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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Why does everyone keep finding the stupid/poorly made/ones that don't look right ones. Theres obviously much better, hot, and worthy to look at. Has anyone seen that Hellsing one with the chick with the big gun. Thats a great cosplay.
  2. It helps by coding various formulas to find cures for illnessess.
  3. I've completely forgotten about it. But it's always folding. Look at that bugger fold!
  4. I want one, but unfortunately, I'm saving that money for Doom 3.
  5. Shizumaru is Zankuro's grandson. Zankuro had a daughter, she was the child he didn't kill. Then Shizumaru's demon self awoken and HE was the one that killed everyone in his village.
  6. You should be shot. And if your on aim. I'll think of something evil later. Edit (talking to lord)
  7. Ah yes. I ordered the Limited Edition package and it hasn't arrived yet. But most changes in the game are in-game tweaks. They fixed certain bugs, especially Yun's bugs where you can combo his Diving Kick move. They added the soundtrack choices, which is not in the Dreamcast version. They removed the INPUT LAG, which was in the dreamcast version. There should be a change list up in a few days on Gamefaqs.
  8. I'm thinking it is fatal now. Maybe this is retalilation of saying he sucks.
  9. It's out already? Because I know most of the fixes in it and my copy hasn't arrived yet. Edit: Mine ships tomorrow
  10. Mines like 3 steps away! I hate that! Then again, has anyone ever slept on 3 chairs in front of their PC? I mean, its the most convenient way to live.
  11. I hope someone else is as confused as me on why. Hello o.o
  12. You don't know how much I want to try that the next time I go out.
  13. I save my comments on the movie right outside the door!
  14. Well, to a level it is released. I bet their just trying to get it to work now. Like, Fully. Edit: Owned.
  15. Lmao. You got to be kidding me Yes, I am kidding Ukyo P2 color, where he's all white.
  16. Fatal sucks. AND That's my random thought of the day.
  17. I've played with Inverted mouse before on FPS games, particularly Quake 3. I went back to the un-inverted mouse during the old CS 1.4 days, before it got filled with nubs.
  18. The universe. Sure it isn't possible, but what the hell. I wanna see those theories to go to [void].
  19. Although it was very rushed, it was fun. The bugs killed it for me.
  20. Yeah, 5 to 8 hours practically if there is nothing to do all day.
  21. T`is a very good game indeed. I wonder...once I get the PS2 version(not the poor excuse of a U.S. version), should I even consider reviewing it?
  22. As long as you keep BloodRayne, it's all good then.
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