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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Most Kick ass = Hanzo, it's from SS64 Most beautiful and somewhat original = Suija - Shower of blood, I thought he would use water, I was wrong, VERY wrong.
  2. It does. NOW STOP SUBLIMINAL MESSEGING! The next time you do one, try underlining the whole thing so we don't know why part is the link :\
  3. AH, so it's going to be using ICEcast for the streaming. I've used ICEcast before, but I find it a bit a pain to install. And ogg is a vbr lossy codec, the bitrates will always change between 2 points. Ryuken - NY is in the east :\
  4. It's great that you guyz like it and everything but there is just 1 problem and thats that HE'S NOT BUYING IT FOR THE DAMN COMPTER! So yeah, even though IT'S GREAT FOR THE DAMN COMPUTER! IT'S NOT GREAT FOR THE CONSOLE! I have this game on the xbox and it blows, the aiming is horrible and flock and especially when jumping. The graphics are good and what not but the game does kinda sux unless you have a keyboard and mouse, ya heard?! Does it actually matter? Because it's short as hell on the console versions too.
  5. Taken from there. I'm getting a new computer .. No i'm not. I'm planning to play this on my crappy 1.3 GHz p4, 384 RDRAM, Radeon 9800 Pro PC. Why? Because I need a new power supply so I can use my AMD64 with it's 1 GB of ram which has been sitting here for months. If you guys want to know the true way to experience this game (on hardware that yet to exist). You need a: Really, really, really, really power CPU. I'm not talking AMD64 FX-53 or a P4 EE 3.20 GHz. I'm talking overclocked with REALLY cold water control system. 4 Gigs of RAM, really good ram - Sure it exists... 512 MB Video card - Carmack said, that the textures are compressed when running on video cards less then 512 MB, when you TRY to enabled it to play it on the highest setting on your Prescott 3.02 GHz P4 or your AMD64 3400+ with your 2 GB of ram and your X800 Pro or 6800U, be prepared to play it on a really really really small (I'm talking like, 320x400 here) window. Thats right, When playing it on a 512MB Video card, textures, everything from the most smallest pixle to the freaky ass wall with blood all over it while an Imp is throwing a graphical intense ball of fire at you, is uncompressed. Gentalmen, get ready for the greatest game to represent fear for the next 2 to 5 years.
  6. Max Payne 2, while very good in it's presentation, it was very poor on replayablity. Not to mention, it's only 5 to 8 hours long. I finished the game in one sitting after installing it on the normal difficulty.
  7. It's your call really. But True Crime is really good, but short. I wouldn't call it a poor transition to the PS2. Since it was out first on PS2 a month before it came out on all the other consoles, and a few more months later on PC. GTA3/Vice City is a good deal.
  8. It's subliminal messeging. OMG, FATAL WORKS WITH THE CHINESE! (this is a Command & Conquer: Generals reference obviously if you've played the game with China)
  9. It's more of a plugin side for Kawaks and Nebula.
  10. I posted the reason in another SSVS thread a while ago. It was a SNKPlaymore global decision to censore it. I don't remember which thread, but I think it was the thread where I posted the fatality video.
  11. Video cards vary these days. If you want an old skool, bang for your buck card that might need upgrade in 2 more years is a GeForce 4 TI 4600. Or get a ATi Radeon 9600SE/Pro/XT.
  12. Why in Buddha's name did you post Makoto vs Ibuki's intro.
  13. That said, let just Yukes do it, self publishing and all. All that THQ does is publish the thing.
  14. They modded them out of the AES version and replaced it with a generic fatality for everyone.
  15. I agree. We need the 6 sided ring in a video game that doesn't relate to a certain other game with "Fighting" and "Ulitiment" in it's title.
  16. AH yes, the classic Hulk Hogan vs Andrew The Gaint intro.
  17. Thats what I did with I.E. I tweaked everything. To me, what i'm benifitting from FireFox is nothing compared to my optimized ie
  18. The only one I can think of is Tajiri :\ Then again I stopped watching the true garbag wrestling that is known as the WWE.
  19. It depends on the game really. I've played games that weren't remotely laggy, or laggy at all. It could be your connection though, playing on wrong coasted servers.
  20. The first values represent the code This is just an example since I can't remember numbers AE45643 00XX the XX would be the item modifier. Replace it with any value and you should get the item you need.
  21. I know i'm bumping the thread. But a company called "Ecole" is porting the game to the Naomi. But the company that made Melty Blood, Type-Moon and Watanabe, didn't want their names to be in the port. They think it wouldn't work at the arcades since you can buy it. If Act Cadenza ends up being crap, Type-Moon & Tsukihime franchise is at risk of being hurt.
  22. I'll be recording it with some magic software. It then will be edited and fixed and then uploaded for all those who didn't catch it.
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