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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I'm still waiting for the announcment for it's dual capatabilities for making toast and waffles.
  2. Thats because the game runs at it's actual resoultion on the dreamcast. It's bumped up on a PC monitor. The same thing happens when your bump up a CPS1/2/Neo-Geo/mame rom on Mame/kawaks/any other relating emulator. Until they release some filter-related plugins or the option to play the window smaller, you're stuck like that.
  3. I dunno why they didn't call it GTA4. This would GTA5 if they went by the numbers. Yes, I would think that.
  4. They said it them selves that Vice City wasn't GTA4.
  5. yeah that's a good point - sony seems to be in a hurry to release their console first - but does that mean it will be the least powerful? Most likely. Sony wants to control our media before it moves on to the PCs! DEVELOPING CPUS FOR HOME PCS! OMG! MAKE IT STOP ;_;... I mean...Their turing into a monoply.
  6. What ever sataion has Creep, i'll listen to it The music is what gave the feel to Vice City being in the 80's.
  7. 5 gigs is the minimum on all hubs these days.
  8. I'm suprised I didn't see any Rage Against The Machine there. I thought Evil Empire had more impact.
  9. I have a feeling this isn't the whole setlist for the game. Telling from the selection. The game takes place between 1994 and 1997.
  10. I was at the website where you found the screenshots at. Sadly I don't understand a damn thing in korean.
  11. Also considering, why should Valve sue M$ at all. If that were true. We'd all be part of a class action suit demanding M$ to pay us for every stupid vunerability.
  12. FSCK YES! Oh yeah. I've known about this since last week. I never bothered to have posted it. Of all places, I found it on a radiohead messege board.
  13. I still play ET now and then. Fun ass game, I don't know why it doesn't have a big community following as you know, Day of Defeat.
  14. Because their good buddies. Valve's CEO was a former Microsoft director guy.
  15. Doesn't mean you can go off and check it out your self :\
  16. There are no scans. You can TRY to find Arcadia in some Japanese/Chinese/International~ish magazine stores in your area.
  17. Yes, their all in this month's Arcadia, on 1 page.
  18. Hacking is a very serious issue in the gaming world. If your hard work gets out there, in all it's binary glory, people will want to see it and take some stuff from it. Not only that, companies you've worked with to build the program, such as the Doll-rag feature a.k.a. The HAVOK engine, which is made by a development team in Germany, could of sued Valve for millions because parts of their code was in the leak. Most importantly, to these guys, their code was their life. If you knew 1/3 of your code was leaked, you'd delay the game until it's done. They said it them selves the game wasn't going to be finished by September 30th in an interview with Doug Lombardi at this year's E3, then the code heist happened...
  19. So gamespot finally took notice to a 5 day old story. I find that kinda sad. Anyways, I could careless about HL2 now, but i'm glad they actually caught someone.
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