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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I would say that would be a plugin issue. epsxe isn't 100% perfect yet.
  2. The series endings suck. The 2 movies, Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion are the real endings.
  3. He has lives O.o Anyways... He eats because his hungry,
  4. He takes the Happy Face sticker from earlier and sticks it on his face in hopes too pass off as one of them.
  5. He takes the Happy face sticker and sticks it too his boot.
  6. Makes a fort with the bed sheets and pillows and gaurds it with the letter opener.
  7. Eat the candy while exploring the house with or without the Scooby-Doo theme in the background.
  8. This is the part where you can actually thank that peice of sheit DMCA law.
  9. Holy crazy thread Batman! .... Die slowly by smoking?
  10. Link Here(Japanese) In Guilty Gear Isuka (On Sale 29/08/04 this month in the East), will have a mode called "Robo-Ky II Factory." Where you can customize your very own Robo-Ky! Speculation is that it might be possible to add other character's moves, or certain ones. The way is to gain points to buy these abilties somehow. You guessed it. We can make our own invincable Robo-Ky...Which is a good thing I suppose. Forget a totally original character! Let's just edit Robo-Ky and make him [nearly, possibly, hopefully] invincable! Source: Famitsu, MMcafe
  11. FMA is great, too bad I got really into it just as it got licensed. So far, on par with the manga, it's just a tad less violent.
  12. yeah that is a very unique anime. i only seen like 1 episode, and the story is weird...but what anime isnt tho right haha. we need an anime forum in here haha =) Fear the fullmetaled one, no, the small one.
  13. DVD Burner + Blank DVD media + Chipped PS2 = You in heaven.
  14. He's not that skilled at drawing. The art is made by Udon, the rest is all (or most) of Ashy.
  15. ... ... ... *plans to review it...if he can find it o.o*
  16. That DOA2LE code is very old. Anyways yeah. I know the procedure and all, but is there a simpler way of finding the right value?
  17. The unbalancedness and cheesy jazz music kills this for me. But yeah, fun game overall.
  18. The latest would be months. Unless a company totally pulls off a Resident Evil (only changing fonts with japanese->english, but everything else is in english).
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