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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. check the front page of the site on they talking about :\
  2. You're kidding right? Mr Lars "I'll sue anything that moves" Ulrich? Supporting bootlegging? I really doubt it. They support bootlegging of Live shows. I kid you not.
  3. Strange, because Sammy even released one when GGXX came out :S Tops would be like what we said (and Sol). The amount of times Sol is used in the U.S. are horrid. Chipp = Fast character in the game and a whore for the most (and some very very useless) moves in the game :S Good thing he's toned down in #reload. Anyways, anyone can be good with Chipp, he has a big ass move list and their all easy to use.
  4. more detailed reason: I've played the Evercrack. Boring sheit. I don't know how it's the number 1 MMO in teh worldz. Note: I played for a few months WoW is promising because: I got friends in the beta (THOSE BASTARDS) and they keep telling me it's awesome and keep sending me screenshots of it (According to one of them, theres Kenya, complete with giraffes and everything). As a former FFXI player, i'm looking for something that will suck me in like whast FFXI. THE SEARCH CONTINUES FOR THE MMO FIX
  5. AND VOID THOSE THAT LOOK LIKE THIS! ^- Doom, a very poorly done ASCii art
  6. I'll rip the stream, edit it and upload it right after the show is over, or a few days after it.
  7. I got the PLUS version for KAWAKS if you want it just contact me thru aim by hitting the magic AIM button!
  8. Heads up, the MVS version only came out in Japan and was in VERY LIMITED quantities (1600 copies were made). AES version should be out sooner or later this Month.
  9. So, safe to say, I beat up wiggers. Even the ones that have gold chains.
  10. Well yeah :\ I'll stop going technical, but i'll end it with this. Sol is top, just last and www.a-cho.com has some vids at the bottom of the page, updated...i have no idea how many times it's updated, but I got a few SSZS vids from there.
  11. It's illegal to ask for leaked software on this board. And google isn't the greatest thing in the world...unless you understand chinese.
  12. lol you hypocrite. You flame CS in irc and yet you still play it I flame GGXX and I still play it. I got back into CS because i'm going to LAN.
  13. DEX Would fall under FPRPG imo.
  14. It's been here...somewhere... I would say...Counter-Strike, since I still play it :\
  15. Especially when I take their gold, reagents, precious weapons and armors, etc. You've been playing too many videogames friend Too many MMORPGs actually. Anything related to Swords, shields, vikings, RPGs with different paths works too.
  16. Well, he just edits his post a couple of times
  17. He's a cool dude. Most of the people got the intention he was a chick.
  18. Sol's dust loop is still there, all they did was change the timing of it. They made Eddie less realible on his shadow, still considered top, just worse. Millia would be this - Still pretty good imo, Millia is still fast hitter. Faust and Johnny were shafted in #reload imo. Bridget has most of his moves toned down a bit. Edit: Another thing, most of the players in the U.S. use Sol because he practically defeats everyone if used correctly (Evo2k3 anyone? SOL FEST!?). Another thing is that #reload isn't at Evo if I recall since everyone would need an Xbox >_<, or imported the Japanese/Korean version.
  19. Thats a crazy boot. It's cool too. And shiny, very very shiny.
  20. Step 1: Get the (iserver, the seperate PC deadicated to shoutcasting) server up and running and to check if I could use it. - Done, but a few problems arise, such as I need to log into the box to use it. Step 2: Fix problems found during 1. Make sure other outside sources can connect. I.E. other users such as AntiWinner, N30 Ghost and Gamecop. Step 3: Fix problems found during 2(or 1). Then launch.
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