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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I would pity the fool that don't eat Mr.T cereal if such existed.
  2. Frameskip is your best friend at times like this.
  3. I perfer to get mine at Naruto Fan. Better scans.
  4. Ah geez, I didn't even notice it! w00t!! I love how Agozer and I have been mentioned twice in the conspiracies. Make me wonder if the admins, mods, and Gamecop are conspiring against us... We must fear the powers! Personally, I would like my post count to be -32425, thats right, Negative.
  5. It's on preference. I prefer the FBA and Kawaks version if I wanna play it on Kaillera.
  6. I'm Talk Show Host and Yumeji Wizard Haku > *all ...I'm not THAT hooked. Agozer & Gryphonklaw 4 Mods.
  7. I used photoshop and all it's default filters. The only thing that isn't mine is the windows font used for the Korea Team.
  8. I can't use Blindwrite for my life dude.
  9. `96 Team Kyokugen Team `97 Team Korean Team Very Simple to make Japan Team I remade The KOF`98 Team with the non-orochi version of Shermie Everyone might love this. Mainly because of Mai Rate all of them plz
  10. Although i found it a good game, it was short, shorter then it's predacessor, Metal Gear Solid. The next Metal Gear Solid game would be Mr.Heido Kojima-san last MGS game. He will still be working on Konami staff, he just won't be working on anything related to the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
  11. Well, I don't know enough of the dreamcast's audio/video format my self, sometimes the files would be CDDA files insted of adx/sfd.
  12. Theres a tool to change those "mpeg" encrypted files into actual mpeg files. I don't know the site though.
  13. I really suggest you get the DC version. It would be better then this. This IS mugen after all. Not that I hate it or anything, it's just i hate it when sprites aren't just consistant.
  14. Masher gets wroser ping then you, I don't know how you get desyncs.
  15. You're damn right, this game does sux, GGX was better, but I dont understand why you're always covering the GG scence though Well the community is pretty nice and not as cluttered with the casual SNK/Capcom fanboy. When ever someone asks a question about the game, some of the American Sammy employees come and respond.
  16. Ah, all we need is Agozer to randomly pop in and show it to you.
  17. I swear that game took up most of my life.
  18. I may hate the game completely, but I'm a sucker for it's tournements. Why is it always the games I hate the most that I'm the best at. I lurk around the Sammy Studios & Gamecombos fourms. Thats how I know alot of it.
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