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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. O.o Just like, read the recent ones.
  2. Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, Toast Crunch and Frosted Flakes with chocolate syrup on it.
  3. Glad to help, just don't convince me it's a good game. I completely hate it.
  4. Guilty Gear Isuka (Which I still think is a POS) will have a color editor mode Shown here: http://sockbot.com/images/GGI_COLOR_EDIT.JPG So yeah, custom colors for all, like CVS2 And the "new" character is non other then Robo-Ky MK-II. No, I am not joking either.
  5. Noticeable changes: Robo-Ky is a completely new character Lots of bug fixes New Music (Unless you import the Japanese Version. The Korean Version of the game allows you to swtich to the Japanese OST, then the newer, at times god awful Korean OST.) Korean Version (Should be the one that Majesco ported over the the U.S.) has an extra stage. You can find all the changes here: http://www.gamecombos.com/forums/showthrea...?threadid=12444
  6. Yeah, Jackie specializes in Bodujitsu, which is using your surroundings as your weapon as oppose to Li.
  7. Jackie and Bruce Lee used to know each other. How do you think it was so easy for him to get into the business? Jackie was Bruce's stunt cordinator.
  8. You haven't seen the ones in my basement haven't you? Theres stuff down here WAAAAAAAAAAAAY older then me.
  9. Yeah, that only happens on some occasions now. The precautions companies will do so they're movie won't be ripped and put on the net. Screeners for example and movies incompleted in the FX department.
  10. Hmmm, ok, best bet is that they're slots are full. You need to wait to download and check if they have a slot or not. If they don't, it will automaticly queue you until a slot is free.
  11. You gotta share at least 5 gigs of stuff and at least 100 mb of roms/compressed isos.
  12. The mugen community is going to be on fire for new sprites to rip.
  13. Ok, glad to be cleared that up. I thought they were teh same telling from the screenies.
  14. The ram is the only different. I posted the system specs somewhere in the Current Affairs before.
  15. I bet not, someone at SRK decyphered the text in her small little box. She's on of those cute ones that can kick ass. Like Kula, sans the whole loli idea.
  16. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...opic=7864&st=10 Answer to your question. I was afk during those days on 1emu. Well a late WB.
  17. Using something called Direct Connect ++. I don't have the link, but theres a fourm around here that can tell you all the details.
  18. LOL Sell all the useless belongings and claim they're from famous people.
  19. Wrong fourm. I wouldn't trust anything from download sites. You can find isos on DC++ and p2p in general.
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