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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Load GS Load up games Turn off GS Load Save Turn on GS after loading. Only works if you have thingy on the back.
  2. Not if you live in EU or Canada.
  3. So, her sprite is finally out. http://www.snk-capcom.com/forums/showthrea...8&page=19&pp=15 Note: [12:33:53] <[LNI]Wizard> it's a scan [12:34:03] <[LNI]Wizard> but the screenie is smaller in the arcadia magazine [12:34:10] <[LNI]Wizard> thats just zoomed up [12:34:16] <[LNI]Wizard> so it doesn't reperesent anything ----- Before you all biatch at it that is. Notice her bar, it's funky. Her special 6321412363142+Jab
  4. I'll just stick to the tape trading market. Real booters get the show before it's even out.
  5. That would be a badass name Anyways yeah. I've given up the lifestyle of staying up late, eating ma cheetos and drinkin my coke....unless it's DND session..
  6. Fiddle around with the settings. This is why I hate other clients.
  7. We've talked about that before in vairous other threads. They do not use the same schemes. Their protection is totally different Naomi's/Dreamcast's. The only thing thats similar is their hardware.
  8. I would suggest using your monitor's settings atm.
  9. It's ok, you don't need to turn it into an image. Regular PS1 cds work on a normal drives.
  10. Really?! It Couldn't Have Been That Bad To You. It was medicore to me
  11. Yes you can use Damon tools for epsxe. Mount the image and run. No need to change the image to another file type just choose "All Files" when you get your open dailog.
  12. File -> Record it's on FBA and possibly kawaks too.
  13. Wait a second? You have the FBA driver? You need to complie your own version of FBA then using Visual C++, mingw or Cygwin to complie it.
  14. Riiight dude, the food No really, that looks like a great meal. Made me hungry now.
  15. At least I ain't in a dark room, listening to repeative music and eating up pellets.
  16. Sam Raimi: That would be the only reason for me to see it. Not a big fan of the movie adaptation, but yeah, i'll give it a look.
  17. Ash and I were recording some of our matchs on FBA's recorder. But when ever we played them, it would lag hardcore. Werid, what did you do!?!?! If this is a normal issue then...help me. The sooner this is helped, the sooner we can get to seeing Ash's ass get kicked.
  18. All we need is MK2 and UMK3 and we'd be set
  19. If you've been keeping track of the thread on Snk-capcom.com WE ALL WANT BLUE MARY! (and K`, Kula, Ramon, Angel, Maylee, Bob, Billy, Asura, Shiki's kid, the guy who drops bombs as a striker in 2k, Smart Chang , Neo and Geo and bunch of other worthy characters, like Heavy D!)
  20. dude, 17-3 My team 3 teams consistated of K`/Duo Lon/Blue Mary - K`/Kim/Blue Mary - K`/Duo Lon/Kim. You seeming can't be worse then Ash...until he picks up a controller he says.
  21. That would be, compliling your own version of FBA/X by adding the drivers or finding other compiles ;;
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