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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Something japanese that my sister is playing on her comp.
  2. Welcome noobie. Your mind shall be engulf with random information that everything you see will be funny anyways. OH CRAP, A CHICKEN!
  3. www.gamefaqs.com Edit: You must mean the scans from Tips & Tricks Magazine. I have them, but I won't upload them for various legal reasons.
  4. I'm good enough to be random! *throws a ball, sets a chair on fire, eats cabbage*
  5. I've played the leak, I was impressed that it was actually almost done. Parts to rewrite, which was mostly steam's and HL2's netcode. Without playing the leak, tech demo after tech demo, it's all been the same, stop showing me the damn game already. Yes it looks nice, yes it will be longer, but i'm just sick of it. I've seen the engine already, and it's called CryTech. Built differently, but visually similar.
  6. Delay after delay. I've seen the game and the engine, now make something thats worth my money. BTW, Doom 3 could come out as early as July 3rd some say around irc land. I'm getting these 2 games, just...after 2 to 3 weeks after their released.
  7. Almost everything was perfect. It's just the hitboxes and untested hidden characters completely broke the game.
  8. WHITE BRONCO I REPATE A WHITE BRONCO. That dude got owned.
  9. Alot. I live in canada, they can't do THAT much to me
  10. Were still waiting for the day when 1 emulator that doesn't need kick ass specs or a sound card that accpects ALL KNOWN ROMSETS known to mankind. With joypad and video recording for those who like matches.
  11. None, until something good comes out, I disown my PS2.
  12. Look around the net, you should be able to get some at lik-sang.
  13. I agree, looking for the right mmorpg takes time. I've played everything else before FFXI, all were boring, the only ones that came close to taking my time was helbreath and ragnarok. Now since I have to cancle my FFXI account, i'll lose happiness online with my leet shizzle.
  14. I hate what the WWE did to Mystiero. Pisses me off.
  15. Really dude, I just don't know anymore.
  16. What the jesus? Wow, your really fast or..your just lucky. I'm still working on getting my darknight Anyways, the game is fun for 5 to 6 months at best. FFXI is so big damnit, i'd rather look at it with my crappy 1.4ghz p4 then battle.
  17. I just though of someone. Kusanagi, his autogaurd owns everyone else
  18. I definitely will. I want to beat Gryphon's post count. Mwahahahaha Good luck You mean Agozers I'm...almost...there! Welcome. Need...more...power!
  19. My friend is in the beta, he showed me alot of the world. Pretty damn nice if you ask me. I certainly can't wait for it.
  20. You...BASTARD! /jelousy
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