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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Ah, Westwood. That was the RTS company of the ages.
  2. La-di-flocking-da you tree slut.
  3. What do you do with all those? One should be enough.... He likes to feel special. Now where do I find me a Saturn.
  4. Gotta love random hicks runing your name.
  5. Sleeping for 3 hours gets to you. Pics can be viewed here. I sware she looks like Haruko a bit just by looking at the pics. LordKanti should be happy :/ I still think the games sucks from the word from the East. 2 More characters are to be announced for the console version of Guilty Gear Isuka. Daisuke! What the hell did you do to Guilty Gear?!
  6. Lobsters > Crab Any day, unless you don't have lobster.
  7. I posted the screenies in another thread a few hours/days ago http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...wtopic=7703&hl= All the screens from S-C are on Magicbox anyways.
  8. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0406/game061804d.shtml Shows off; Alex Vega(Evil mario, not the spanish ninja) Rose Muruko Jedah Now, discuss! Alex: SF3 sprite for sure Rose: Possibly CVS2 style because she's cleaner Muruko: Resized Red Earth sprite Jedah: Looks like a direct conversion Vega: CVS2 sprite Heres some SF3:3s PS2 screenies also http://www.the-magicbox.com/0406/game061504b.shtml Alrite, now to randomly leave and randomly appear at a later time.
  9. Wow, faggotry in motion. I never once acted. 100% genuine. You lose again. I love the fact your trying to be like maddox. I can see it right there. Your way or no ones way. And does my sexual orintation have to do with this? What? Are you against gays? I do think. That we are different. I lose again? You want me to say why you keep getting banned? Easy. You aren't the smartest in the world. You post like you know everything about everyone. If you don't like it, you say your way is better. There's more to this world then your opinons and your words. I don't care if I get warned at this point. You do fail life. You try to make everyone your shadow. That is why you keep getting banned. You are a tool. You seemingly hate any opinon that condradicts yours. What I did say is true, unlike in your fantasy world. Love it or hate it. Your world is based on a one track slide that runs over anything that disagrees with you because you say your statment is true. Now do me the favor and flame me so I can ignore you and your ignorence that plagues this world.
  10. You wouldn't happen to have a link to the promo art? I won't be playing Melty Blood with this setup though. really dude? even my comp could take it and it's a basic dell dimension 440. I didn't add ANYTHING on and it works fine. oh and for anyone who really feels the need to try this one out, then there's one place I am 100% positive u can find it; GET IT OFFA EMULE Emule is too slow for my tastes. I've used it for 6 months, and said screw it.
  11. Valve takes no crap from no one...Damn thats why they didn't release HL2 in April.
  12. Anyways, at least something like it is on the 1st page agian.
  13. Right here dude http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7603
  14. Nope, they're not. It is not in development stated the head hancho over at Blizzard at E3. Ghost is the offical sequel for Starcraft & BW. Kinda sad since most of the original team for Starcraft moved on to Flagship Studios(filled with former Blizzard Employees, including most of the original SC team) or other companies.
  15. Well, most DC backups are Data/Audio, so theres no need to worry about Data/Data.
  16. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...wtopic=7676&hl= 3rd post, take it from there.
  17. Well right now, I have my sights on EA Canada or Ubisoft Montreal (working as a beta tester, until I get skill and when their hiring for it). Because their both in the area. I'd love to work with Konami, Capcom, Id Software. SNK and Sammy are just too limited imo.
  18. yeah, i also wanted to be a game designer since in school but the industry is way too competetive .you must really be a programmer whiz to make any kind of impact in that area. well, i could still dream can't i........ In the arcade biz it isn't that competitive!! Only a handful of companiens little over a duzin of componies with SNKP and Capcom leading the way andof course Sammy! If u pursue yer dreams you will sky-rocket to succes, fame, glory and chicks, don't forget babes! Remember, hope dies last! I hope you know that get into the gaming biz, you have to demonstrate your skills by making your own games or something important. Schooling, programming, or art skills aren't enough by themselves. Too add to that. You also need alot of references from employers. Sure you may have the skills, but you need the talent and the deadication to do it, while respecting the NDA CoC.
  19. It's harder then it seems to break out in any market. Especially the arcade market, Sammy doesn't lead it, it's Sega.
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