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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I'm guessing; (Young) Geese for sure Vanessa () Seth, & Ramon May Lee, Geonitz and Rugal Edit; With Geonitz, Rugal and Geese extremely broken. Vanessa automatically top, Seth & Ramon with high priority moves and May Lee with her KOF2k1 DM and all her stuff from 2k2.
  2. Now listen to that for 26 hours straight. that's how fools die in internet cafes! heheh Twas not an internet cafe! Was a LAN party I hosted. Thats all we listened to while we play Starcraft Starcraft "Zerg Radio"
  3. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...6765&hl=company *cough* I null my vote. My reason is somewhere in the old thread.
  4. Why don't we like, gahter in some place and play PacMan.
  5. Dude, every fighting game needs a pimp-like character like Mr.Big. He's not remembered for his moves. It's the fact that his well, a pimp.
  6. Ah, you need the right NG bios for it to run. I guess it's back to the search feature for you. Edit; You could get them on the RGDC website too.
  7. Just place the rom file in the appoprate rom folder and don't run a check for it. Thats how I got it to work.
  8. Could be your video card or CPU. Since you own an AMD, go change the cooling and overclock that shiat so chankast could work
  9. I'm very confused. So was it like Ichi The Killer? Movie first, manga after?
  10. Yes they can. In it's original Japanese form if it has not yet be liscensed, or English/Spanish/French/other ones I can't think of- if it is liscensed. Oh yeah, there hasn't been an anime i've seen thats exactly like the manga. A few have come close to, but never actually did it.
  11. Kula - Shingo - Saisu = NOT ON THE SAME TEAM Their Team Edit Characters. This maybe a dream match, but they are Team Edit Characters. If you've seen the selection screen = out of room.
  12. If Indians are known for overspicing foods, then us Mexicans are known for making meals out of spice. True story of the stupidest thing I have ever done with peppers: When I was about 7, I found some Chili Peppers about. I didn't know what it was, so I grabbed them and stuff. Then, out of shere idiocy, I like my finger and place it in my ear, trying to get some earwax out. After that, I took that same hand and started rubbing my eyes, because I got some dirt in it. Next thing I know, I am in a fiery tomb. I couldn't see for the day, and my hearing returned the next day. Anon. Rofl dude. I did that too, like, last year >_>
  13. Yes. Yes I can. A spoonful of Wasabi and I sorta still lived and eating a spicy pepper a few times, which isn't that spicy to me.
  14. the 3020's play em. I hear that the 3030's don't or have trouble. No chip. At best you have to use a boot disc. Which is also downloadable. Regions....heh, patch it.
  15. Seven Question marks. For sure one of them is Geese. Now, we can start guessing whos the rest.
  16. I think it's because in NRX it actual runs at it's full speed. KOF2k3 is known to have much tighter timing then 2k2.
  17. Yes there is. If you don't like it...you suck. You have no taste in life. Plain and simple. You sir, failed life to begin with. Sure you have tastes, but quit acting like a smartass and maddox to begin with. Then maybe you'll pass this far into life.
  18. The day 1 emulator uses all versions of 1 rom and it's sets is the day I change to it.
  19. That game is THE SH~T. Coming soon is Montreal version
  20. The one that Mejesco brought over(like i've said millions of times) is the korean version. I'm not sure if they added a music selection thingy like in mine.
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