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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. /me gives Agozer rice Anyways. Not a big fan of R&B.
  2. Yeah, I saw that a while back. I'm not going to gather info for it until theres like, offical ones.
  3. Too bad there isn't a definate way to make it right. It's either love it or hate it. @ Gryph: Only when their hot >_>
  4. I start working at my mother's workplace in the electronic's department by the end of this month.
  5. stupid shitake mushroom ddn't work, I only got the demo working. Do you have the original MB? Because you need the original Melty Blood to play ReAct.
  6. Well christ. AT least fatal posted. I can now eat my rice.
  7. same here! ill call myslef the "ulitmo gordo"! lol but i really wanna work with computers and games in someway! ITT here i come! I was think like, Black Wizard or Viper.
  8. Ah man. I dono, a writer of some sort like a director for a game, or something related to computing. If all else fails, go to Japan to wrestle
  9. Yeah, but SF2 was more to avoid lawsuit from Tyson.
  10. Alrite, I'm confused now. Quit playing games Capcom and just name it Jam damnit! Source: MMcafe.com & burningdojo.com
  11. rofl, my friend did that during out math exam, he had some rage playing in his mini-disc player while he took the test.
  12. Really? PDAs over here are considered allowed as long as the Caculator app is open. Yeah, like tahts ever going to happen. My schoolboard is dumb or something.
  13. Thank you for the completely useless contribution and observation. Anyway, the worst scenario is that the error is computer-related and isn't can't be fixed as is. This isn't the first program that works flawlessly for some and other get pagefaults, unexpected errors, stack overflows and whatnot. Yup, that useless at times of need. When the world ends, I'll be saying it's a wonderful day and I'll be eating some rice as it happens.
  14. Well, if you didn't know, Red Earth, all versions of SF3, and a few other games were on CPS3, Which, at the moment is very hard to dump because the frying chip of encryption.
  15. Not exactly per se. But people to make srt(subtitle files) files for video medias.
  16. Dude, i've seen worse. I've once bidded on nothing and won.
  17. Plauged with people who don't want to update? (Upgrade to play this stuff) Anyways, WOOOOOOOT.
  18. Isn't this like, wrong by many social standards?
  19. But you see, Fatal hasn't posted anything yet that would derail the whole conversation on the long run. Let's talk about homosexuals, trannies, slutty chicks, and Virtua Fighter so he will be attracted to this thread like a moth to light. EDIT: And Cosplay! Lemme start. Poison.
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