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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. ...This thread gets freakier by the post doesn't it?
  2. You and me both. Loans for all!
  3. We don't deserver that much credit. We just make the utilties pack. Floods of cheats and other various stuff I can't think of on the way!
  4. I showed that to my friend who lives in the U.K. He told me he was going to try and buy it. He's a marked man now if he does end up getting it. He's not even going to use HIS money. What is he planning to do? Rob a bank? He's going to ask his dad. I'm so going to kill him if he does get it.
  5. Are you 100% sure it can't read cds? Because I got one that could play PS1 and Music cds and some PS2 games.
  6. I showed that to my friend who lives in the U.K. He told me he was going to try and buy it. He's a marked man now if he does end up getting it. He's not even going to use HIS money.
  7. My god. Hmm, Might as well sell all my belongings to get that 100,000 USD worth of stuff.
  8. Yeah, I always though that too (CMLL FOREVER!) Unlike in the U.S. Wrestling is taken very seriously in Mexico and Japan.
  9. 2004 Galstonbury Festival! My names is based on that list. I'm almost done, 2, 3 names left to use.
  10. I probably am, wtf am I supposed to do about it? Do drugs... many drugs.
  11. Lets never believe critics I still need to see it >:G
  12. Try lik-sang for a vga box. Those are worth it if you import/download games.
  13. Ok then. Since the MVS version was released. This can very well be a fake. Since only 5000 copies were sold and the arcade is in China (put 2 and 2 together).
  14. Well, thats the AES version MVS wise i mean. Edit; The AES insert looks very bland, or is it just me? The art on the back is like whats on the front of the PS2 version.
  15. Better off finding the japanese one since that runs at 60Hz.
  16. My guess that it's a illegal copy, because the only anyone else is getting it overseas is the PS2/Xbox ports coming late this year/early next year. Edit: Nope, couldn't be the actual game, because it isn't out yet. This is most likely from the loke testing.
  17. Good thing i'm not looking for that quality in the girls i'm after
  18. Evil bump, and no, i don't have anymore links.
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