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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. did you set the drives correctly so the game could boot?
  2. Whuat??' I do that every morning. I do the exact same thing... Note to self, there is an outside world in the morning.
  3. Yes, you need the DC coder cables or the Ethernet adapter. You also need the right software to rip the games, which can be found by searching for DreamRip. To burn, first, you need to make them CD images, then use A120% or Nero to burn it.
  4. Thats possibly the reason why I like the Hong Kong Theme.
  5. And feel worthy of defeating people and hacking systems
  6. I'm just going to...hell this thread has offically gone disturbing.
  7. I really think the SF3 music makes good background music, since, well, it is background music lol
  8. You know, thats very very true. You know spend too much time on 1emu when you... spend too much time and try to post in EVERY ACTIVE TOPIC. idle the site idle the irc channel IDLE THE SITE AND THE IRC CHANNEL.
  9. Hey , I am hosting
  10. Up because it's the 3rd anni of 1emulation!
  11. Oh my god. This is the ownage. Edit; Oh my god, I can't believe i missed that. Thats a reminder for me to always visit certain threads. Man, that was beautiful.
  12. I take it from the pervious posts that you never owned a dreamcast. Anyways, the VMU/S browser only takes dci, not the VMI/VMS yet for some reason. Oh, and click write in that browser thingy. It also needs to be in the same folder as the vms.bin.
  13. Start up Chankast without a game, will get into DC bios, from there to the VMU option and format the card. Very simple.
  14. It doesn't even have a story to begin with :/
  15. Your a bastard. Both you. Free stuff >:E
  16. I think it even tells you in the read me.
  17. Yup, i'll try to get a shoutcast server working, The one I have planned for the server at the moment isn't on the internet yet and I need to install it. Keep an eye out o.o
  18. Benimaru is questionable about being Gay. But apparently girls in Japan like guys like Ash O.o I'm...slightly confused.
  19. Format the VMU unit from the Bios to get it to work. It seems you can't import your old VMS.bin from the last version.
  20. The Enforcer is badass. rofl, I love the Cheesey dub for Black Mask 1. It's friking funny.
  21. Well from what I can tell. He looks more like a guy in the rejected art.
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