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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Edit your last 2 posts and remove most wording, Edit button is your friend. And I've only seen the first 2 of OUATIC.
  2. Duo Lon looks much more..umm..manly? there.
  3. What ever interests me thats my explination.
  4. Banning him is another issue though. Although his design is indeed odd, his rejected art is better imo.
  5. TRIPLE POSTING OF DOOM. *gatheres the villagers with pitchforks and clubs*
  6. Gotta love his wacky sense of humor too. The world is big, DAMN BIG.
  7. Lee is the pinnacle of ass-kicking monks. Sure, there were others before him, but no other has made such an impact. Not to mention he looks like Jet Li in Once Upon A Time in China.
  8. Oh! And that same monk beat the sh~t out of Dan.
  9. Your both bastards. Where do you get these 128mb upgrades? And what type of ram chip it uses?
  10. wait but i saw cvs2 in ebay.. here is the link.could u check it out? cvs2 ebay weblink That could be a fake. Because it was never released in english. Infact, the the picture of the game there is the Japanese cover with the Black-american dreamcast logo.
  11. Well, Ryu has been like that since SF1 And the Ninja is Geki, people keep mistaking him as Ibuki's father. I think the monk's name is Retu. Don't remember, although he was pretty badass for an old guy.
  12. Sagat? Dude Adon, we need some characters from SF1. Adon, Geki and Gen! Add Sagat there, he was the final boss in SF1.
  13. I already got SF Aniversary, the jap vers. and it sucks, DON'T Waste your money on that!! Well its going to be kinda hard to get 3s since THEY'RE COMING OUT AS A PACKAGE IN THE U.S. And yes, Isuka is garbage.
  14. All dressed is king. I actually don't care, but if someone asks, Cheese and pepperoni.
  15. It's pretty obvious Duo Lon is top teir in 2k3 Anyways, I browsing the Gamefaq board a while back and they found a way to break out of his infinity, but I have yet to see it done.
  16. Man, she doesn't even have nips. The model it self for the code is just skin(like actual skin).
  17. We've seen too much of those guys already imo.
  18. As far as I know Reload should make it to the PS2 since it's a stable franchise on the ps2.
  19. Well. Sony is being bitchy about 2D. So I would go with Xbox. I'm planning to get an xbox anyways. And Gamecube needs a better control for fighters. I slighty now understand why the control sucks for fighters in general (imho Soul Calibur 2 on it beats everything else). M$ doesn't care as long as you do it on their system.
  20. GG Admininastratior. Being admin on an XP computer is much more then a basic user.
  21. Because the the one Mejesco braught over is the Korean version of the game, not the japanese one to what people think. If you didn't know they were 2 versions of Reload, check playasia.com. I have the Metallic Robo-Ky korean version of it.
  22. Hes more comboable imo now. I couldn't do sh~t with him before, and now I can.
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