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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Set it to the drive WITH the cd in it. Or put the image on a virtual drive, using damon tools.
  2. P4s don't even get hot on passive cooling (no fan). Only the 3.0+ GHz p4s need fan cooling. Practically anything lower can be done passively. And what build is your SP2? Are you using the RC versions or the Leaked beta ones?
  3. Clean your lense with some rubbing alcohol by using a q-tip. Rub it gently.
  4. Thanks. I'm going to try and do some ibuki ones. Like her taunt or something, which is bound to be pretty fun.
  5. Many types. I can technically say "All of the Above"
  6. So there is a way to remove the bg. Due tell if you know
  7. I was wondering if it was like KOF. I've ripped my own sprites before, but i was looking for an easier way like KOF's where it's centered by it self.
  8. I still play my dreamcast. I don't even use Chankast on my computer anyways. I use it to test games basically. I have no current plans to replace my dreamcast with it. I prefer to play my games on a nice 27" TV then my 15" monitor. Anyways, it's an advancements in both console and arcade emulation. This is as close as we can get to CPS3-like games.
  9. Well, since people from the community technically made them (i.e. just converted them to CHT) A Cheat code pack should be optional.
  10. Why can my computer read that o.o Anyways, a translated dialog would help. One that make sense preferably.
  11. DDR was made for teh puny white boys who can't dance if there life depended on it.
  12. Wtf o.o, it said i wasn't allowed to post there o.o
  13. SWEEEEEEET. Someone should post this on the main page.
  14. None at the moment, Use something called Joy2Pad to map your controls like a keyboard.
  15. You still need a sexy female lab tech to "accidently drop" the samples on her, how conincidential, white shirt.
  16. Hey, at least it isn't media whored like with that VGA crap Edit; Bomberman no 26. HELL YEA
  17. Mostly anything american is taken over by asians. EXample. STARCRAFT. Korea has a pretty badass team of Counter-Strike, WC3 players too. We rule anyways.
  18. IF you've figured out how to rip from SSV, it would be really helpful.
  19. Hit up the house of pain and play jump for a really long time.
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