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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. There are some things we souldn't know, and there are somethings we're too stupid to know.
  2. 14 years is pretty damn long compared to everything else. It's gone thru 6(?) generations of consoles during it's time.
  3. Don't you mean "As in every SNK game. Ever." I'm the only one who thinks every boss in every snk game is hard. God, if Goah had better A.I. he would own me in a second. Edit yet again: This was a very good discussion if I say so my self.
  4. I like that pink fireball though Anyways, when devs are up to it, they'll make better sprites, since SNK is now developing their KOF games on Atomiswave, we can hope they'll do some dramtic changes. Reusing maybe lazy, but it saves money. Money is time when you developing a game. The bigger the budget of the game, the more we expect from it(same like movies).
  5. and could you please give me an example of this? Take the Alpha series... Sure, they don't re-do any of the sprites they just re-add whatever new animation they need... but thats only because they don't have to... all the characters, old or new in series all look like they belong in the same game... even the characters that were created in the 3rd installment. So, capcom just added whatever new animation to existing characters (such as ryu), and kept the level of detail from newer characters the same as older ones... and atleast capcom updates little things.. such as fireball effects... a lot of the kof effects haven't changed much at all =/ Example: The new Capcom Fighting Jam game. - The only new sprites you'll see is of Ingrid or any character from a 3D/Another 2D game other then Vs/SF Capcom game. Dimirti and Felica are using their DS sprite, Guile: CVS2 Ryu: Looks to be like SF3, could be CVS2 Guy & Sakura: SFA3 Yun & Chun-Li: SF3 Hauzer & Leo: Resized, Red Earth sprites SNK DOES update their sprites even if it's older, It's still an update. They do add new animations and such. Just because I stated that Capcom does take sprites from older games and just sticks them in. You missed my statment completely. For 1, would you really think that capcom would use sprites from 1991 and 1989?? No, they redrew them to keep the game in the same art style. With kof, the style has been the same for 10 FRIKING YEARS. You think a majority of the players would notice if the spirte was from 95? No. As for effects, please take into considering that KOF was made on 14 year old hardware.
  6. did you make a folder in the rom folder for it? I.E. kilinst2 -> Place CHD in there and keep the zip in the main rom folder
  7. Like I said, Do it your self. Don't like? Make it better. Now take your self in the developer's view and look at this. You are creating your game, you have a deadline to make, you want it to be released for testing. So, you take a few parts from the old games, and resize them to make them fit in the game. Adding a few more details here and there to make it consistant with the character. You think thats not "hardwork?" It's plenty of work for those who have to go in there, make the sprite as good as it can by hand spending hours fixing, editing, and remaking the spirtes. It's hard as hell, you think that was easy? Let I remind you, you are getting paid, this is your job. Creating new sprites shouldn't be hard right? Wrong, what if your original design got rejected? Back the drawing board to create a new sprite animation. This is someone's job, not something they work on their free time like mugen who can have all the time in the world to make their character. Lazy is when you take something from the older game and you don't edit it at all, hoping it fits in by it self. Thats what Capcom does.
  8. Once again, developers, Publishers don't care how teh game is made as long as it's finished. And once again, it's to save money. You know how much it costs to completely change each character? Quite alot. Even if it's 2D. They pay the artists more money to create the new sprites on newer pallets for the project. More overtimes and such is into consideration. You think I want new sprites too? I want some new sprites, they shouldn't do a completely half-ass job. And Capcom has been reusing sprites with barely no improvements unlike SNK. So be thankful that we even have a KOF at all. And all their hard work is being took into consideration. If that doesn't work. Do it your self. Edit: Look at the new Capcom Fighting Jam game, Their using a decade old Darkstalker sprites. When you have Guile's CVS2 sprite and Ryu's SF3 sprite. Hauzer and Leo are resizes and Yun & Chun-Li are their SF3 sprite.
  9. At least it's still an improvement. Overall the sprites this year were medicore. If you didn't know: Terry's sprite is a resize of his Garou one to make it more KOF-like, same thing with The Griffin. The reason they don't create new sprites by scratch each year is to save on money. It costs alot to maintain, and devs will do anything to cut their job in half to develop games while still keeping the game interesting. Capcoms been doing it for years and no one's bitched about that? Yet people do it with SNK? It's strange. Edit; Publishers publish the game for the market. Making the game is more of the developer's side.
  10. Well to me they suck...but thats whole another thread(the search function should help to those who know what I'm talking about). Yes, I want a better KOF too, new sprites(why should SNK go High-res, when they've added more detail on a 320x200 sprites when Sammy barely did anything to their 512x420 ones). Backgrounds could use a facelift, their bland, but clearer and less pixilated from PS2-2001.
  11. Am I the only one who thinks GG's graphics suck?
  12. To get things straight with everyone. Development: Sammy, Noise Factory & SNKPlaymore Publishing: Sammy & SNKPlaymore Music & practically everything else: Noise Factory
  13. Always stereotypical aren't we? I guess since my room is in my basement I have no life also?
  14. Man this video is still great. Never gets old for me.
  15. Thats what some people say when I play Wake Up. Then I tell them the one was done in 1992 :/ Rage Against The Machine "Wake Up"
  16. The character is art funky (is it just me and my dirty mind or did Mature's bust size increase?). Theres some favorites, but most of the male art is bleh to meh.
  17. whats that suppose to mean?. just because. you got some more knowledge on emulation.doesnt' mean you could just dis ppl like that. dont act liek an idiot. ... Dude, I was just shocked at that picture on how many errors were on the screen. Christ..
  18. Note: It's sad that SNKPlaymore Japan is releasing the site now after many months of leaked photos. Well here is the full High Resolution(cropped) for everyone's view pleasure Portraits (All characters execpt Geese) Screenies Example Portaits: Example Screenshot: Whose with me? Worst/Worse KOF rehash? Art is funky and screenies are bleh. Edit: Neowave site has been updated with ALL characters(execpt Geese)
  19. I'm glad someone picked up my reference to PA. Yes, exactly like that.
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