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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Right Click -> Save Target As... Save the torrents on your PC. And do tell what the error is. If it's "Problem Connecting to Tracker" just wait, you'll still download even if it says that (just takes longer to relay it)
  2. I would love an OpenGL version of ROTT...i wish I had something with dos here.
  3. Browsing around Bloodrayne.co.uk Well, it's from ign(meh). I think Jessica Biel would be a nice Bloodrayne. Oh well. I hope they get someone good. And something on the new Blade movie thats in the making, apparently everyone at the test screenings liked it I'm off for another adventure for something *wants more bootlegs of stuff*
  4. I just found Ico boring, although not completely boring, it was fun sometimes, but when you'd have that crazy tongue talking woman, it's just hard and boring AND confusing.
  5. Excellent, so the cheat system he built is around codebreaker?
  6. agreed with you, took me 5 hours to beat it. No, you know what game is rediculusly short? The Bouncer! I used cheat codes, that weren't really cheat codes(exp points to unlock moves and other stuff) and I ended up beating the games in 1 hour 30min, thats was rediculus, and the game was like fighting force. Oh yeah. i remember, was one of the first ps2 game released, i never finishe cause i got bored, too many movies. Speaking of early games, was ICQ any good? Wasn't that like the first game? Don't you mean "Ico?" Man that game was boring as hell, and that crazy biatch that talks in tongue is messed up.
  7. As far as I know CPS roms are arcade dumps, which have no console mode what so ever unlike the Neo-Geo.
  8. No In the original version, it was suppose to be long, lots of inveractive envoirments (theres an old clip of a big brawl and you can do weapon specials, where the main character in The Bouncer does a few kicks and throws a table at a bunch of em, kinda like a rememince of Final Fight.
  9. agreed with you, took me 5 hours to beat it. No, you know what game is rediculusly short? The Bouncer! I used cheat codes, that weren't really cheat codes(exp points to unlock moves and other stuff) and I ended up beating the games in 1 hour 30min, thats was rediculus, and the game was like fighting force. That game was suppose to be sick until Sqauresoft interviened with it.
  10. How bout a sexy geek lab technican. Like in various comics I see on the web.
  11. I beat Max Payne 2 in a night without cheats when it came out. It is rediculasly short but it was very polished, so props for that.
  12. Mocking them is fun, but it gets old after you run out of stuff to say
  13. CD images (MDF, nrg, cdi etc) or cd-r backups work with Chankast. Man, we need people to post in the right fourms these days, I'm getting tired of stuff like this.
  14. I wonder how my self, there must be more to it then just his normals. Although his jumping kick does hit twice.
  15. I'm using my sister's DVD burner, so i'm all set. I'm still trying to get a hold of some good DVD+R media.
  16. Sometimes you scare me dude o.o
  17. Still trying to regain my lost lives in FFX2(stupid brother, i'm too lazy to do it all over again). So far, none, i've been also playing online games.
  18. Be defensive and careful, always attack in suprise and at correct moments. Depending on how good you are with him, he is practically good in the air (it's strange, but he is, his Hiken Tsubame Gaeshi is a perfect air attck/air to air counter). His various sword release attacks in the air are really helpful. His Hiken Sasameyuki is rediculisly powerful if you catch your oppodent off gaurd and hit him with the Heavy Slash version. His Tsubame Rokuren DM is practically one of the hardest to hit in the game. Not the button combonation, but the timing it self on the move, your bound to get blocked several times before even hitting it. Not only that, it levels you wide open on the rebound if they block it. Thats all I know from personal experience by using him.
  19. Lets hope it's someone down right gorgous and sexy to fit in that suit of armor.
  20. X-arcade sticks are mapped unded the same circumstances as a keyboard, thats why.
  21. Haha! So it is true! It's donation time!
  22. It seems some people can't accept change. Another person on another fourm made a big rant on why SNK sucked and how Capcom made SNK better. Load of BS is what I think. Worse KOF is 2001 to everyone else. 2003 is just different. Which some people refuse to accept(same like 1999-2001 games were).
  23. Adelhied is Rugal's son. The girl isn't playable(If it's Maki, she isn't playable by default), and Mukai isn't playable by default either(use cheats). As for for that move, go check gamefaqs. If i'm correct, it should be his LDM(Leader Desperation Move).
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