You really seem to miss the point of certain games. Think of certain limitations of the system and the controls at the time (How could you add jump, when all the N64's buttons for Goldeneye/Perfect Dark were practically used up, yeah, it needed jumping hardcore, I would liked one of the C-Buttons, but thats just me) How can custumizations in an MP-part of the game be bad? It's too add more verity in the game for the none-deathmatch junkies(which I don't think you are one at all). SOF is violent because of the dismemberment of bodies do to it's hit-location damage. It's practically based on real life damage on the human body (a.45(example: Desert Eagle) and a.50(AW.50 Rifle) bullet would blow your face up and leave a nasty hole in it as opposed to a 9mm(Glock family) or a NATO2.8(SIG SAUGERP228). Also to take into consideration the AP(Armor Percing) and NON-AP bullets). Xenosaga was just a really good movie. (FYI, Star Wars movies are based on Akria Kurosawa's "Hidden Fortress" movie).