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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. You said it, not me. You fail to understand the real world physics took into consideration when then made SOF. The knowledge in firearms and bullets are important to the "realism" factor of the game, I want to know if you have any know how in that field at all to bring this discussion into case. Other wise you are just another person who thinks their greater then everyone else. Edit: You sir fail life kthx.
  2. Thank you with you analists then person who is far supiror then everyone on this board.
  3. Building one and painting one would be better (and you'd save on shipping and handling)
  4. Great dude, your going to tick off Fatal and ForceX now.
  5. Melissa Williamson "Your Not Here" (Silent Hill 3 ost)
  6. You really seem to miss the point of certain games. Think of certain limitations of the system and the controls at the time (How could you add jump, when all the N64's buttons for Goldeneye/Perfect Dark were practically used up, yeah, it needed jumping hardcore, I would liked one of the C-Buttons, but thats just me) How can custumizations in an MP-part of the game be bad? It's too add more verity in the game for the none-deathmatch junkies(which I don't think you are one at all). SOF is violent because of the dismemberment of bodies do to it's hit-location damage. It's practically based on real life damage on the human body (a.45(example: Desert Eagle) and a.50(AW.50 Rifle) bullet would blow your face up and leave a nasty hole in it as opposed to a 9mm(Glock family) or a NATO2.8(SIG SAUGERP228). Also to take into consideration the AP(Armor Percing) and NON-AP bullets). Xenosaga was just a really good movie. (FYI, Star Wars movies are based on Akria Kurosawa's "Hidden Fortress" movie).
  7. Hacked version of NRX 1.48 Dev(it's against fourms rules to ask for it, so don't even ask) Special version of Mame32.
  8. KOF MI is coming to the XBOX as well.... I'm still alittle sus about the news but this source is usually quite reliable.... Source plz
  9. In that case, try burning it with Nero 5.X (Do not use 6.X to burn it, for some reason, when you burn DC games on it, they won't work).
  10. I think K´dash established that already. Maninderb, pay something that does work, like Jet Grind Radio. Dude, Jet Grind Radio doesn't work either. Using one of the hacks makes it work, the offical one - no worky.
  11. Agreed. I love using Mac OS Jaguar on my cousin's G4. Macs are very underrated to Windows and some Linux users. Whats it like to use the first OS with a GUI? One word - Amazing. I'm surprised barely few companies support (Epic, I.d. support macs ) Apple makes them slick and sexy with a nice and clear GUI. Get rid of the all the bugs in it, and add windows-like compatibilies, and you your self a kick ass OS with godly speeds that rule over Intel and AMD in any given day.
  12. SP is an upgrade to GBA (finally adding back light support, christ it took nintendo THAT long for it). DS is completely different and has backward compatibilty to GBA/GB games. The GBA SP thats coming this summer is the NES Classics. A special edition GBA SP to commaderate the anniervsery of the Nintendo Entertainment System. Releasing classic games to make us all feel a little nostalgic.
  13. Whoa What the fsck? Dude, what are you running(buring software, cd-r media's?)
  14. How useless of you... Using a work computer...
  15. It does not work on Chankast. Check the compatiblities thread in the dreamcast section for games that do not work (there are some not mentioned on the main page of it)
  16. Well I Hate To Say This But I Thought K`dash was A Dudett Cuz Of His Aveator And Sig, Damn. ANd I Wonder Who Voted For "She-Man / Dudett-To-Guy", Probally -Violence-. Yeah, i got that a few times here. I went from K` ava, to Yumeji(female), then to Haku(male) And I just like Yumeji's tanut when you do the weapon release move.
  17. You need something like this http://www.thermaltake.com/coolers/chipset/a1919.htm All ATi 9800XT's brans use a cheaper (it's that without fan control really) version of it.
  19. Go get a different client like ABC or something if you want to control it.
  20. Thats going to medicore or horrible then.
  21. Actually your wrong, the 256MB versions of the 9800 Pro are useless unless your going to flash it's bios and change the stock cooling for a 9800 XT. The 256 MB versions show no overall improvement over it's 128 brotheren. It was made to compete when the FX line came out. But people have shunned it because it is EXACTLY like it's 128 brother. If you flash the card's bios to an 9800XT, you better have the cooling or else it's going to overheat.
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