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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Depends on the release groups and where they are in the theater. I remember when The Matrix Reloaded came out, someone made a near 1:1 quality version of it using a camcorder.
  2. I still think 6.01 is the best mirc client since 5.16.
  3. His body and soul didn't die in MK3, he just got his body back
  4. Just gotta wait for the next version of chankast, the stuff Kryso is doing are just plugins.
  5. Will a mod please pin this so more people will see it and be aware of it. We need more people in irc. That's a good idea, but I think this topic has become really confusing. We need a new pinned topic with 1)the address for mIRC 2)the webpage http://www.gamesurge.net/chat and 3) information on how to log into them - and all on the first post. Please note, you need JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE installed for it to work.
  6. Man, KI2 was fun, but the character designs turned me off(execpt for Orchid, who I think got a 5% resize on her bust).
  7. Supression of gaming is wrong. Please take a healthy dose of gaming regularly for 30 minutes to an hour.
  8. Man, if I had dc++ working, I would request/trade with you.
  9. Well, when I go out with my family, just go to a chinese resturaunt we've been going to for years and eat out. They even deliever, for those lazy days
  10. Ah yes, I recently rented that game, offically did some stuff to mind. When ever it's quiet, I can hear stuff....
  11. You already scared one member away like that, Jeffery Dahmer. I honestly thought he meant that in a Ron Jeremy kinda way, but I guess I was wrong Just because we were talking about it in the irc chan means that i wasn't talking about the Ron Geremy way
  12. you know, a best choice on which GUI or Non-GUI versions of Linux to use would be greatful, since i'm actually thinking of reinstalling it, I just want to get some 2cents on it.
  13. What funky box? Oh, and for welcoming you to the board. Ahem. WE ARE GOING TO EAT YOU Ahem, carry on...
  14. I know it sounds like it but I'm not for real, for real. It's all good in the hood. I find that games today have more impact on the player because of music and sounds. Resident Evil and Silent Hill for their freaky tone.
  15. What about the bosses though? don't they die because of the storyline? Storyline wise, they die, but you could "kill" them using the m9tranq gun.
  16. Lets get one thing down. In Metal Gear Solid, You can go thru the whole game without killing a single person (using only the M9 Tranq gun), and in Splinter Cell, you have to kill.
  17. Once it hits the second page and beyond, it's like old to me.
  18. I'm adding more stuff I admit that I am a former IRC addict. I admit that I got angry in class and told off my teacher(It was worth it) I admit to fighting someone bigger then me and intenionally losing only to trip him and kick him in the head I admit to jumping off my roof into a pile of bushes I admit making fun of Canada is great...even if your canadian I admit that I have slight obession with catgirls(their females with cat ears and a tail, everything else is human, how cute AND hot is that) I admit that in IRC, I am GOD in Training (I'm trying to be a Gamesurge Op) ...crap man...who DIDN'T? finding out -Violence- was a guy was like finding out Samus Aran was a chick in the first Metroid (GREEN HAIR MOFO!) Yeah, that was kinda freaky at first.
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