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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Man if you actually knew me, you'd find out that I always beg for cash.
  2. Damn alexis, you didnt have to go gangster rowdy on them fo's! Thats the thing with "latin" america and some of the rest of the world, when you're poor you're poor. Like like in the U.S. you can be like a broke mofo and own like 3 ps2s or have like really nice things like watches and jewlery and no xbox or whatever, but when you get to the rest of the world like in mexico you got these rich azz flocks with these nice designer house like that mofo k'dash or be a broke azz mofo. There's no inbetween, You're either rich or you're poor, but in america you got money while you're in debt, wierd aint it? I didn't understand any of that rant. All I got was my name, the rest is all, "WTF?"
  3. He also made support shock for Callus! (thanks to my bud for the information) Callus? You got to be kidding me. THE Callus? What is that O.o
  4. Because dreamcast games are hard to find and are very expensive at times, more then the dreamcast it self. I've seen Street Fighter 3: Third Strike for $90 USD.
  5. What crowd? I don't see any crowd.
  6. That your going to have a to do a little searching, us the board's search feature, it will lead you a link with the bios.
  7. Place it in the Roms folder (where your old Neogeo.zip bios are, back up your bios before you anything.
  8. A part from the big freakish lettering of telling you how big it is. It's pretty good.
  9. Hrmm, You need a special hack version of NRX for it to work on it. As for mame, you should have it, you just need the right bios possibly.
  10. That doesn't really help dude. Do tell what emu do you want it to run on and take it from there.
  11. Just mount the image with damon tools.
  12. I would say recreate images and do it from there if your just going to use them for Chankast.
  13. You need to make selfboot images before you even try them on chankast or else they won't work.
  14. We had a big war over this. So lets just simply just leave it alone.
  15. Third Strike's bugs are all graphical, so those would be easiest to fix I would assume.
  16. My sister's computer has a GeForce 4 MX440 and a 2.8GHz P4, and it runs flawlessly. In my case, I have a 9800Pro and a 1.3 GHz p4 and it runs like sheit.
  17. Yeah, in the Phillipines, my cousin owns like 2 actual ps2 games and the rest are all backups. If I went there my self, I would spent possibly $50 USD on about 20 games, backups mind you.
  18. So if my PC is say, 1 GHz, I can speed up the game to sorta emulate it's speed?
  19. If you want good SATA drives, I suggest Seagate. Their drives are top of the line. @ Gino: Like I said, guine intel products are locked. The only way you can recivied it unlocked is if you get a speificly designed mobo, you flashed the bios or the chip isn't a guine intel. You must have an older 80G WD, I my self have have a 120G WD and have used 80G WD in the past and did not experience any of your problems.
  20. Sweet, I can upload my saves and download them and use them now.
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