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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. yep yep, according to my friend who went to e3 and played, its jus different attires. same goes for kyo too. Well it would be cool to do the Rising Tackle with MOTW Terry. It would suck if when you select that outfit it doesn't let you do that move. I'd be pissed.
  2. Actually Lite-On DVD-/+R drives are practically the best you can get. Affordable and it works all the time.
  3. You know, playing like Tom Morello is cool too
  4. the last game, is it selfbootable? If not, then it doesn't work.
  5. I want a guitar learning it too.
  6. So? At least you can burn your games and play them on a nice 27"+ tv
  7. I my self cannot bare to look at anything lower then 85Hz anymore, any lower will simply just hurt my eyes.
  8. .... Anyways, it's like what lancerx said. Depending on your connection. The best I can get if theres 7 seeders is 50KB/s, if theres more(say 30 to 100+), it will certainly rise to atleast 200kb/s. I'd be using maybe an hour at best using BT.
  9. Actually it was Siobhan. No offense or anything towards you( i hope I spelled your name right)
  10. I got it off the top of the page. I have no idea where the video is.
  11. 50 to 60 MHz higher then it's normal stock is theoritically still good on stock cooling. BTW Celerons aren't overclockable anymore since 1998.
  12. To lazy to remotely link, so heres the link to the page. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0405/game053104b.shtml
  13. Radiohead "2+2=5" Anti-Bush propraganda at it's best.
  14. but what Clinton did behind desks was Kenneth Star's business, right? Ouch, thats a blow (no pun intended)
  15. TV's run at 50Hz(pal) 60Hz(NTSC). If your tv supports both, congrats, if it doesn't you need a vga box or something.
  16. GHz isn't always everything you know. You can get an AMD 3200+ to do as good as a P4 3.06Ghz. Hellalotta cheaper too.
  17. I always wondered why they were compatible to a degree. and a ATi 9200 is good
  18. When was a Celeron compatible with a P4 board O.o?
  19. NSF plug-in at zophar's domain for NES sounds.
  20. See the problem is, most people aren't that tech savvy to do that.
  21. You know downloading a save file is much easier imo. Anyways, MVC2 is broken to hell.
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