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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Radiohead "My Iron Lung" Radiohead album marathon yet again.
  2. This should be moved to the PS1 section, Set a sound driver for it.
  3. Radiohead "Life In A Glass House" (Full Uncut version)
  4. Like I said, It's stupid. Sony showed off different colours, WHY woudn't they mass market them?
  5. Shenmue 2 wasn't greatly recived as Sega though. It's a mixed bag when it comes to it.
  6. Well, since it's the last MVS game and it's coming to PS2 and Xbox, I might as well show my support and actually buy the game.
  7. a 1.3GHz p4, 384 RAM and a 9800 Pro ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU(Chankast) ISN'T IT.
  8. It's being released in Limited Quantities (around 5000 MVS copies)
  9. I admit that I hate Skythe I admit that I hate a bunch of you I admit that I'm the board to much at times I admit that Cominus is a bastard who always calls me rich when I'm middle class I admit that I'm a computer nerd I admit to being a computer nerd and loving it I admit that being on IRC is better then the real world I admit that Bash.org is one of the greatest sites ever I admit that I'm revengeful even in death I admit that the Dreamcast is the greatest system for fighting games I admit that I am a jackass (earning the name is a speciality, Go me for jumping off a hill in a shopping cart =/) I admit that I have no skills in certain fields I admit that using Kazaa Lite to get my stuff is better then anything else if I'm desperate I admit to liking anime too much I admit that I am sometimes overrated I admit that sometimes some of you are overrated I admit that salades are overrated I admit that consoles were better then PCs I admit that I hate good looking games with crapass controls I admit that I am a great fighting game player (sometimes) I admit that this thread was somewhat a waste of my time for you guys to get to know me better. Well everything was a lie, now move on Edit: I also admit that my computer sucks and my Linux box is the greatest 486 machine ever.
  10. Meh. It's kinda stupid since SONY did demo many different colours @ e3.
  11. Well, whats with this set. Anyone got drivers for it?
  12. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7210 for more info, not to offend you, but please look around more. You'll find more info there.
  13. Xbox should be 149 USD now.
  14. Who the hell keeps bumping weeks old posts.
  15. Need ircjava for the lazy bastards.
  16. irc:\\irc.gamesurge.net\1emu for all you who are lazy, just copy+paste into addy bar.
  17. Link Here A video showing all the death and "fatality" squences in SSZS. Use a download manager to get them, because you'll be frequently disconnected. Source: Some guy at mmcafe.
  18. I don't know how you get slow downs on Twin Snake. Are you sure their slow downs or are they just the game going in slow mo?
  19. These can be freely distributed (Gamecop, I'm giving you premission to repost my stuff ), as long as nobody makes any modifictions to it that is. Both of them are 1024x768. Both made with Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop. I like to use the best of both worlds. Falcoon's Ibuki picture at the top and some offical art of her on the bottom. and
  20. I tried it, but in my code, it had to be implamented onto a webpage on my server. It wasn't a stand alone php file like here. I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to work remotely.
  21. If you know what your doing, you can get one done. You only spend on the materials of the case it self. No one buys new parts for it (unless your filthy rich). It's all spare parts or currently owned parts.
  22. I tired making a sig with my crap ass code, but it didn't work. I need to find a way to remote link it,
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