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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Actually, the CD that was on was pretty much all in german, only Engel and Du Hast had both english and german versions.
  2. I was being bored really late last night (rather this morning) and I just put update there for kicks.
  3. It's a 9800 Pro. 9800 Pro 128MB are smaller then ATi's or any of it's partner's 9800XT card. That has 1 stocked fan, XT has 2.
  4. Faulty PS2. I also never had a slow down with Soul Calibur 2. The only reason I did have one was because I needed to recaliburate the laser again.
  5. CS on Xbox = Condition Zero for PC CVS2 = Dreamcast > Xbox version Prince of Persia = Also on pc
  6. I'm guessing Buriki One is somehow connected to Wild Ambition.
  7. It's pretty quick to learn Halo's controls (since every FPS Xbox game control options are based on Halo's). Put in 45 minutes into controlling Master Chief and you should be set.
  8. Well, since you can't see it per-se. Just check out what I conjured up with some PHP know how. Random picture changing thingy that if you refresh it, it changes pictures script. Uh, yeah, 10 pics, lets see if you can find them all.
  9. I want an Xbox for KOTOR, Halo2 and Fable. Everything else is "Let's wait and see" for me."
  10. No, it's Ryo. Its not a new guy. It's Ryo's 2nd costume.
  11. So, Terry is in and he has his MOTW and Original get up. and Kyo too, he has his `99 outfit and his High School outfit too.
  12. What he said and Isn't it the koreans that eat dogs O.o Topic: Bleach the case!!!!11111 Or like, spary alot of deoderent on it.
  13. Get a copy of Office XP (warezed or otherwise) Install it Keep the CD in, make sure you have a Windows 2k/XP cd on hand. Then go to "Control Panel" then open up "Regional and Language Options" Go to the "Language" tab and check "Install for East Asian languages" Now click on the "Details..." button Click "Add..." then "Add Input Languages..." Now in the selection caption, press J or scroll down to "Japanese" and click "Ok." Now click "Language Bar..." Now check first 3 options, the 4th option is optionable . After that, click "Ok" and "Ok" again. Then you should see a semi-transparent bar at the top of the screen. Now Assuming, the default language should be "English (United States)," click that and you'll get 2 options, one of them should be "Japanese." You might have to restart your computer to see the bar.
  14. Were still waiting. Until it's actually comfirmed, we gotta speculate. DAMN YOU SEGA AND CHEESEASS CONFERNECE ABOUT THE MATRIX ONLINE! >:E
  15. It takes skill to make fun of a not so vaporware item Props.
  16. The guy in the Black Gi is Ryo (from WA I think) when he's much older.
  17. I don't know why it's gone "mad." But his project was badass. I've been following it over at the Bit-Tech Forums. Glad he got it finished
  18. AC(thunderbolt)DC "Dirty Deeds Done Cheap"
  19. Mation CDr/rws are pretty good, better then any of the big media stuff. they last longer too.
  20. Bios flashing time!
  21. Meh. x2 I knew this would happen. I got some 3 year old CDrs that are pratically dead (haha you can't delete now)
  22. I need more, hacks me!
  23. Uh, I got a bunch of knives off the TV. They're still good. I can still cut my desk into pieces/
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