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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. That's what I miss primarly in P3. I'd spend so much time chatting up monsters in P2 to get crap. What I do like is the date sim side of things with P3. Reminds me alot of Thousand Arms but more sophisticated in terms of Commu links (and if any of you remember, at all, that in Thousand Arms, the more a girl likes you, the more stronger the weapons you forge become). I don't remember, but aren't Zio, Agi and etc are different terms for effects in various languages and cultures? Like how Persona games draw from the Tarot deck.
  2. My live ended. So this topic is now official redundent.
  3. Persona 3 FES. I'd like someone here to 3 way Fuko, Mitsuru and Chihiro while still leveling. I dare someone to do that. Hard. Just. Hard.
  4. I have a plan to buy it, then trade it as soon as I'm done.
  5. You know, I keep forgetting we have this thread. 4 kings debuted at the 4th loke test with Sagat and Boxer debuting at the 3rd loke test as CPU-ONLY chars.
  6. If she gives good head, yes. Then I'd tell her to cut back a bit, I'll only allow it after sex.
  7. Release notes for 1.91 April 28th, 2008 * Added support for Hungarian language * Improved the in-game overlay when capturing a video to include video duration and file size. * Added capability to detect some 64-bit games. * Improved voice chat performance on certain sound cards. * Fixed a problem that caused many video uploads to return an unknown error. * Fixed many small problems with video conversion and uploading. * Added Cool/Lame ratings to the video player on the web site. View top-rated videos on the Xfire home page. * The video tab automatically refreshes if you modify the video directory from another program. * New games supported: Rohan Online Warriors Orochi Alien Arena 2008 Ninja Reflex: Steamworks Edition Lunia Uplink Slayers Online Second Sight Imperium Romanum Yu-Gi-Oh! Online: Duel Evolution Assassin's Creed Terra: Battle for the Outlands Darkstar One OpenTTD NosTale Jagged Alliance 2 Gold American McGee's Alice Skulltag Saga Trackmania Nations Forever Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff Kung Fu Panda Demo Xfire
  8. It's not PS3 hate. It's hating on how Sony handles every situation with the system. But if people want me to hate, then I'll hate. I hate Sony's gaming infrastructer, it's not eons away from Live, but it still isn't up to standard to what Live has set. It's also the subpar attempts to garnar the super gaming/hardcore crowd. Which alot of us are part of without a doubt. The cost is not justifiable if a majority of 3rd party games will come out on both systems and it ends up collecting dust and/or being a Blu-Ray player. The installation of games too is also a turn off to a decent percentage of the crowd as well. Given the chance, I'd like to own a PS3, but I don't see me owning one for the justification of it's shoddy attempts at being a top online service for free or for the only 2 games (MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13) worth playing. I do know where your coming from, but 360 offers more value then the PS3 in nearly all fronts. And all I'm going to miss is MGS4 and FF13, I could careless for any hyped PS3 title.
  9. they'll patch it, people will crack it. Rinse and repeat.
  10. Persona 3 FES Lag battle Persona 3 FES Got drunk at 2 in the afternoon SvR08 on friend's 360 Came home watched 7 ages of rock followed by Persona 3 FES and VF5
  11. Blackie just put my mind into words that I could not convey because I just woke up when I typed that. edit: I'm too friking tired for this :/ TL;DR: Tons of people get a slice of that pie.
  12. YOU WANT AWESOME? Fine, here's an idea I just had. Recall that in 1944, Hitler (being batshit crazy) believed that Erwin Rommel was involved in the attack on his life and ordered him killed. But picture that Rommel, when confronted at his home, refused either option- he overpowered the SS men, took his family, and drove off straight for the Allied lines. After giving himself up, he is aquitted of any crimes (based on testimony from troopers from North Africa attesting to his humanity in dealing with POWs and the war in general), he is taken in a la Wernher von Braun and added to the Allied war command as a "strategic advisor". Fast-forward to 1995. After relations broke down in Korea, the former Allies have been at open war for thirty years- pitched battles rage on the Germany-Poland border, infantry stalk each other through the jungles of Cambodia and Burma, and fierce tank battles roll back and forth across the Middle East. And it is here we find the Old Corps- four old generals, their lifespans and vitality held in check at age 60 or so by Allied technology. Rommel, driving a new Afrika Corps across Palestine and Jordan. Patton, still relearning the finer points of walking and living after that near-fatal jeep crash. Monty and his Desert Rats, hunting Soviet troops in the mountains of Pakistan. And MacArthur, leading a vicious infantry war across Iraq. This is the Old Corps. And these are their stories.
  13. 1) Still didn't answer my question. 2) One of features to get people to jump 3) business sense! A game doesn't break even when it sells 1M copies, nor does it come out on top.
  14. 1) Sorry, that doesn't answer my question to what I was asking before. Your answering with an opinion, not fact. What is a known fact is that early 360 models had a fatal defect, which Microsoft acknoledges. With the new 3 year warrenty, you can BS your way through if you have any problems. That goes for any 360 owner who bought the system any time between launch day and 12 months after it. 2) Home's features are it's selling points (or rather, points to get people to jump on Home then XBLive), and if we see them in future updates, whats the point in putting it out now? In fact, it was delayed because of it's features. Or it's lack of there of. 3) I didn't outright say MGS4 cost 10 Million to make, I said it costs somewhere in the Tens of Millions to make, meaning 10 to 20 Million. By your logic, the game breaks even by paying for it self, when it's split in god knows how many ways between multiple parties. I'm just assuming three because it's Sony, Konami and Kojima Productions. Selling a system at a loss is not stupid, it's a way to garner more sales. Konami would probably take the hit and cut off 15-20 dollars off the price tag as well since the PS3 is doing OK and not GREAT like how Sony & Co. expected it to be. Which means it would take more copies to break even. Less cost = great for consumers, bad for companies. It costs more to break even that way if you haven't figured it out.
  15. Movento is now an NPC in my oWoD group.
  16. So let's just say I have a PS3, with it's excellent 4~% Failure Rate and lo and behold, mine stop working after 3 years of practically flawless play. Sony's warrenty ended 2 years previously after my purchase and my store bought warrenty just ran out after 3 years of no problems. What do I do then? Do I send my system back to Sony so they can repair it for a fee ($200+ not counting S+H) or do I buy a new and improved PS3? Then let's say I go with the previous and it suffers a heat related problem, do I go through the hassle of doing it all over again? This time only covering the S+H costs? Then again because Sony can't get their act together of developing a machine that doesn't cool sufficiantely. Now what do I do then? Do I keep spending money on shipping and handling just for them to get it right or what? This mirrors the issues with PS2. My launch PS2 survived for years until one day it stopped working. This was 3 years after I modded it also. With my warrenty voided already (since it was already void after 12 months after I bought it) and not any of the ill-fated R production units, I would have spent more money for Sony trying to fix it then buying a new one. One of my friends had a SCPH-3000x R unit and instead of sending it to Sony, he just bought a new one because all the problems they had at the time. What your saying applies to all electronics. There are no exceptions. And what about those sratched discs? Well for on, there was a class action suit against MS and they changed it, as seen with 360s with newer disc drives, so the problem doesn't presist unless, through machine or user error, discs end up getting stratched in the 360. Sorry, it's fair game the way I (and many others see it). Only difference is Xbox Live is a tried and test formula that works out, while Sony's offering is, in theory, supplying all the Xbox Live Gold benifits for free. Only they say Home will be better then Xbox Live Gold. Their service seems like junk to me because of Sony's track record of promising us something and meeting us half way there. See now, I love Sony televisions, I think their some of the best TVs on the market, but when it comes to gaming, their halfed-ass decisions will eventually catch up to them. I don't think it's justice that PS3 right now is being bought by HD movie consumers then it's supposed core demographic of gamers. How do you know it will be a $60 dollar title in an American Econemy that's falling. For all we know it might break 79.99 due to it's development costs. Also factor in Konami doesn't get 100% of the profits. They split it 3 ways with Sony (for licensing fees, publishing, promotion+anything else), Konami (possible DLC, promotion, publishing) and Kojima Productions(possible DLC, development, promotion). We also don't know how much they do split it. There are also factors such as the final cut on how much it was being made for. Gaming companies don't release how much they've spent on developing titles unless they wanted too. I don't know how much their spending on MGS4, I'm just assuming that their spending more then 10 Mill given the time it's taken and the raising developer's cost.
  17. Already know about that. It's coming out just as Tougeki begins running on Xboard, something Examu worked on I believe. If you don't know much about Examu, their practically the developers of Samurai Shodown/Spirits V and V SP. So their track record is pretty good. There is also Arcana Heart and Arcana Heart Full, the update. The PS2 game allows one or the other to be played.
  18. The Launch models are probably the easiest ones to modify.
  19. Bingo. The reason why we buy game consoles first is just that. Games. Sony's offering is nothing but titles bound to come out on 360 on the 3rd Party side of things. Companies these days, unless massively finacially backed, cannot turn a profit on one console alone. Case in point is DMC4. A PS3, 360 and a WinXP release so Capcom can turn a profit to cover dev costs. I don't think Konami nor Sony will sell enough copies to cover MGS4 (which is some where in the Ten Millions), neither Square-Enix with Final Fantasy 13 either (26 Million USD & counting) even though both are must have titles for the PS3.
  20. Arcana Heart is practically part of the new wave of 2D fighters in Japan. Solid gameplay, all female cast, anda great soundtrack. Only draw back I find is, if you have no one to play with that's actually good or understands how to play, then it's a total loss. Solid communities in the U.S. and Japan.
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