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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. The Xbox sold a tad bit less then the Dreamcast in Japan I though. Hrmmm
  2. Gotta like Kusanagi in the background
  3. Their covered with Square panels. remove those and you'll find screws underneath them.
  4. Acutally, Sega leads the in the Arcade market in Japan. So Sammy buying them would deal a great blow to the new Merged company if it was a complete take over. Since the NAOMI board is in more quantities then Atomiswave.
  5. XArcade sticks just act as an Xbox controller. So yeah. It's just an Xbox controller in stick form in other words.
  6. StarCraft: Ghost is the direct events after StarCraft: Brood Wars. I don't consider Ghost a direct sequal to BW. Anyways, concerning PC(FPS) games. They all look the same now. OOOO one has more shader control the others! OH OH OH REALTIME LIGHTING! HIT LOCATION DAMAGE!! OH! *drools* Meh, FPSes are boring now(Storylines for the following games:HL2 = Boring, Doom 3= Boring, Halo 2 = It's on earth! Whoop-ti-fscking-do! Bungie, do us a favor and just call it Marathon now). Go mod teams! Now we just need some company to cover the Korean War into a video game (Kuma/War does NOT count)
  7. Thats...really strange. Set the region to Japan and try that or set it the mode to Arcade with the Japanese region.
  8. I host at 32kbs foo! Anyways, 48kbs is good, but it doesn't hold enough people and 56kers would be lagging so hard it's like seeing someone jump and make it to the ground 6 hours later one 1 map.
  9. http://www.snkplaymore.jp/official/kof/character/index.html <- Japanese one.
  10. Acutally, get NOD32, Norton and Sygate Personal Firewall. Along with AdAware, your computer should be somewhat invincable.
  11. Once I get an Xbox(or ever). I'd rather wait for another complie of it supporting backups without, you know, fooling it.
  12. I would say practice with something open source first.
  13. Meh. I'm glad they didn't count PC games. Because there would be massive retardness all over teh intarweb with HL2 AND DOOM3 BEING TEH 1337!!!11111111oneoneonethreeeightten
  14. Well of course I want something that supports OGG. But 1) Don't want to order from the U.S. because conversions rates + shipping & handling would kill me right away. 2) Compatablity - My computer is 3 years old and doesn't support USB 2.0. Only 1.1 and Firewire. 3) It's on sale
  15. Well it is Open Source, so I expect some different versions that support features such as backup isos and iso+mp3/wave.
  16. You'd be suprised what people do when they use Ash. Yes, Ash. I've never seen Ash used as a totally offensive character(his moves being charged being one of the draw backs on why I didn't think about it). The koreans needed to learn KOF2k3 in 10 days (Came out on Jan. 7 2004 and the tournement was on the 18th). http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/44/34644/tape4-14.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/10/34610/tape4-15.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/11/34611/tape4-16.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/12/34612/tape4-18.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/13/34613/tape4-19.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/14/34614/tape4-20.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/15/34615/tape4-21.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/16/34616/tape4-22.wmv http://www.crocess.com:8000/cms/17/34617/tape4-23.wmv Theres some pretty good stuff with Ash and Shen Woo. And one guy who kept hitting(as in connecting) Kyo's LDM. Some stuff I just didn't know you can do with Ash Source: Orochinagi Forums / Persona-9 @ SRK
  17. Radiohead "Polyethylene" Well, uh, it was recorded the same time they recorded tracks for OK Computer and it almost made it but they took it out at the last minute, Pretty good B-Side.
  18. Dude, quit bringing up the stereotypicalness of something. Sterio typic? Dude shut up. Im madox james biatch. I always see stuff first hand or end up finding about it days later. Not all cut thier arm but some do, plenty do, i'll count for you if you'd like. And canadians go "eh" all the time.
  19. Bah. I don't care what they do, I just want the engines so we can see BIGGER AND BETTER GAMES.
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