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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I find Sony Price for the PSP bullshit. It's business suicide if the PSP is priced like that. I still say it's going to be 200 USD.
  2. Dude, quit bringing up the stereotypicalness of something.
  3. www.narutofan.com and Animesuki's Naruto Fourm.
  4. I want to see what will Sega and it's partners will put out with this hardware.
  5. They look like freaks. Their not Rammstein freaky, but their freaky none the less. Anyways, their concerts rule.
  6. Storymode will always remain untranslated in the rom sadly unless SNK translates it for their PS2/Xbox releases.
  7. Yeah, I must say it's pretty good. Better then their older stuff IMO.
  8. But thats a homebrew app. This is a product. Anyways, it's possible to put a 40 GB Maxtor HDD since thats what Sony uses and replaces the lable.
  9. I expect the roms to be iso images, but thats just me.
  10. ZIP disk are completely different from Zip files ZIP disks can hold upto 1 GB of data, but you need a ZIP drive for it. Search up I-Omega Zip drives. They suck, but i'm just using them as an example. They look like Floppy Disks, but a tad bit larger in thickness.
  11. It's cart system has 5 to 6 seconds in loading times though, which indicates it's A) A CD based cartrige, something like a ZIP disk or A harddrive based cartrige (picture an Ipod and you just hook up yo your comp like an N64 cart) both would explain the loading times to swamp information between the system and it's media.
  12. Final Fantasys would be the main support for the system. Over with mindless cheap ports to other consoles. Their main series is exclusive to Sony (for now at least) and their others (one's that have a sub title[Crystal Chronicals/Tactics are good examples] are exlcusive to other systems. S-E is worth alot of money(a shizzle load), their just one of the main supports of the PlayStation. Sony would be stupid to make a buy them out since it would take a hard blow to all their divisions(electronic and other wise).
  13. My god. That just made my morning!
  14. You might be right. Once they hit full DC-speed, we could hit AW as early as 2 years! Or I can dream about it
  15. Did youget that off P2P? I wonder when the OST will be out, since I already have SH2 & 3 OSTs. What he said. Gimme Gimme Gimme!
  16. I still played FF8 and beaten, but it just never found it appeling enough Anyways, stuff like this happens, since it's stricly opinonable. But when you start hitting up on why a certain game is better, thats when the flaming starts. PS I like V because the job system rules
  17. Tool "Hooker With A Pen*s" What a distinictive name for a song that has nothing to do with transvesties.
  18. gaara? Garaa of the Desert. You'll start to notice stuff when the show gets to about, 102 episodes. I can't wait until then.
  19. Gimme something like GT or WhipOut and I'm set.
  20. I'll give him that. Now, I really hope the tictacs win this year and not get eaten.
  21. You're not even on the same page as I am. Anywho. I'd like to point out that this is The War On Terrorism. That means ALL terrorist. It's that plain and simple. Back to the main topic at hand. Prisons should be fearful. The prison system should start humiliating and beating the living hell out of every prisoner more and more. Sooner than later, people will no longer do bad things cuz they don't want to go to prison. That's the point. Now these days, people don't care. Prison is a luxury to them all. Making executions publicize either by televising it or showcasing it to the public will strike the point across. I bet human rights don't exist where you're from.
  22. Meh. Dave Chappelle ain't great enough for me anymore.
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