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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Well Bandai has well planned.hack for TV-Games-Manga deal. Each different stories with connections to each other though. Don't see that all the time. Isn't FMA by Square-Enix O.o
  2. Not to be mean or anything, but next time use the code tags, it really helps so posts full of code like this doesn't reach unknown ends of people's monitors.
  3. Meh. IGN is decent. They do have something to report fake cheats. Maybe you guys should do that sometime. Their E3 Content is much better then Gamespot IMO. And I have accounts on both.
  4. Yeah dude, what ever. It's l33t sp33k.
  5. Rofl, nice R.E.M. "It's The End Of The World As We Know It"
  6. thats ur opinion coz ur only in ep 20 , thou u had ur own comment, got milk dude? ONLY 20 episodes!?!?..if 20 episodes wasnt enough to get me hooked..why should i continue watching? i should've gotten hooked by the 2nd episode at most..and im not saying the producers of naruto owes me anything..im just stating my opinion on what i think about naruto..dont get me wrong, i gave this anime a chance and no i dont understand this "m00n" language..maybe you should not speak "m00n" language to someone who doesnt understand His "m00n" is just another bastardized version l33t sp33k.
  7. I just hope to pass the 3 core courses :/
  8. what gives you that idea??? i like the artwork he did for kof2003 and the svcchaos posters... how comes they didnt get him to do the art for neowave? Look at all his pictures from his site (don't remember the link anymore). You'll notice something he always does with the feet. Noise Factory did the the art for NeoWave.
  9. Companies need to pay for servers and pay for net admins and tech support staff. Servers aren't actually theres. EQ for example, their servers are rented from Samsung. It shows that people are actually greedy when it's free. Time being a factor is true. I rarely get times to play FFXI anymore. Or to put out a 8-10 hour session anymore. Gladly schools almost over So I can put some time into it.
  10. SO they finally did it, offically. I wonder if it's just business (like S-E).
  11. Falcoon's art is great, but I sense he has some sort of foot fetish. Nice Wallpaper!
  12. I agree wholeheartedly. Besides, this is exactly what Hironobu Sakaguchi said in a recent interview. It's like people expect the same thing with a revamped story line and different characters! And I learned the Final Fantasy bible doesn't exist from an interview the FFX-2 and FFXII teams did for Gamespy a while back. I shoved that link in everyone's faces that didn't believe me. When people say they don't like FFX-2, they; 1) Don't have an open mind to change in a Final Fantasy (What about FFV(or IV?)that also had a female lead pre se) 2) They haven't fully explored the game enough (There's a reason you can't get 100% on the first try, theres another game like this, it's called Chrono Trigger). 3) Dub is decent! If you want japanese diaolog with english subs, get Last Mission. 4) J-Pop rules sometimes(I said sometimes) 5) Yuna isn't good enough for you Same applies to FFXI; 1) Your cheap bastards (doesn't apply unless you give a valid explination "You have to pay for it," "It's too expensive" and "Well, it just sucks" don't apply. Play it for 2 weeks.) 2) It's a change 3) See 1 4) Battle system is "crap" (It's a great system, better then EQ and SWG) 5) See 1 6) It HAS a story (EQ's is slow and messed up and SWG, well, where can I find the bounty hunter?) 7) See 1 Cheaper on PC 9) See 1 10) Re-read 4, 6, 8 and 1 again. Sometimes the single player experience can get dull. That's why I play MMORPGs and PSO (which still r0x0rz).
  13. Not really, cuz I don't believe in any religion. So therefore, backfired. I wanted to say that. But I didn't want to bring any religious zealots into play and telling me that there is a god. (As in, avoiding a possible flame war, via pm or forum)
  14. GREATEST. LAW. EVER. </laughter>
  15. I have an MP3 enabled CD player. I got mine for 49.99 USD when I was in the states last year. And it recently died on me (as in batteries still work, but the player it self only plays for 45 minutes, which is utter crap and now a waste of money. An mp3 player would be a good investment to me because it also doubles as a portable hard drive.
  16. Someone better get a link to it. I don't feel like browsing my isp's usenet groups (and they suck)
  17. Reformatting is a bad option unless you backed up your stuff. For Runtime Errors, update windows (it's a pain, but do it). And go find the last 2 archives to complete the set up, it's totally wasteful to do so.
  18. Read the manga. I think the manga is better then the show. That and I'm really ahead.
  19. It was made out to all. Re-read it. I clearly said it too. Edit: I'm just pointing out ok. Don't chop my head off.
  20. I have a large collection of music, thats why, I want to put full albums on it. So I have a selection on what to play. I get sick of listening to a few songs pretty quick if i'm on a trip, be it 15 minutes or 12 hours.
  21. $550? Thats flocking rediculous rich be'otch! I dont even really listen to music anymore. I just listen to whatevers on the radio, but thats only if im in the car or doing something. I say go for the cheapest one. It may not be much but it's cheap and you can buy good headphones with the extra cash. No body really need to carry around 2000 songs with them, the batteries will run out before you hit the 200th song. Do conversions next time.
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