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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Just to say, to all who think theres a way to make a Final Fantasy. There isn't. There's no bible. Theres no specific way to make a Final Fantasy. There never was, there never shall be. This is one Square-Enix's greatests series. If we saw the same team since 1 (as in, all original coders, artists etc with no additions), we would of lost interest at 3, 5 at best. It's to keep a certain "originality" within the series.
  2. Anbu is all about quality. Speed is Bakasan or Bakafish. Anyways, Bakasan's translations is used and improved of all sub groups for naruto.
  3. As much as we truely want it, most of the original team left to make Flagship Studios.
  4. Thats the trailer from E3 no? Cuz if it is, it's been on Fileplanet since E3.
  5. I remember that "big" annoucement that Blizzard was going to make and they even had a countdown page for it. We were all hoping and expecting it to be StarCraft 2 but instead it was StarCraft: Ghost. What a disappointment! And after you beat Warcraft III, they had that movie of "Starcraft 2" which was even more enticing. That was just a tech demo they were doing with the starcraft units. That was more of a bonus feature.
  6. Overheads in Speed and EX, Unblockables in Power. While slow in execution, deals good damage. I think it was something like B+C. Yeah, that's it. Damn turtles! That's what they get! Whack bam boom! Master Hibiki and you master the art of defense is what I say when you play LB2.
  7. Bakasan released his version today also. I can't access any of the torrents. They either don't work or are "dead" in a term. Bakasan seems to be losing interest in subbing Naruto. I hope he will be able to put out his translations.
  8. Another thing. Gaurd Crushing. I don't want all my hard earn massive combo poke feast go un-rewarded.
  9. It's to fight against users who totally(and I mean totally, with any character) turtle. Edit: I find it useful. If they ain't moving, then they ain't getting what they want (in GG's case, tension power!). Fact of the matter, if a character is made to turtle, then I'll turtle and chip damage off. If s/he's not meant to turtle, sam hell I'll turtle, but not alot.
  10. I think I'm starting to know why they hate you... I'm not "stupid" or "dumb" just not on par with your sense of understanding.
  11. Yes, especially when they're together... <3 dojins and fan art.
  12. Regret even in death is more hurtful.
  13. Oh man, no character vs. I'm sure most of us like both of them.
  14. Sadly, we are those people. We may be the dominate life form on earth. But we certainly aren't the smartest.
  15. My idea is going to rule if it gets passed.
  16. Actually SRK is much worse then any other board I've seen. Dispite it's great know how in fighting games. Those guys can flame insanely. And Welcome to the board (still on topic! SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!)
  17. I still need to know what happened! Gamecop needs to make an Archive
  18. Or think your a tool Anyways, respect because you know Naruto.
  19. The problem was with Bakasan's 78. That was a codec issue. His latter releases rid of that bug. Kakashi does own, but the picture of him doesn't really suit your Sarcasemness, him reading Come Come Paradise, now thats a sarcasmic avatar.
  20. You know if you mentioned it was his MAX MODE SDM, then I wouldn't of called it the Yaotome :/ Oh well, just for the sake of randomness. Gimme an xbox.
  21. ASR is to add new games dude. You can't modify existing games (to my know how anyways).
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