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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Edit's is ASR.dat with Notepad. Search this forum for the answer.
  2. I don't know, but there is a jury guys.
  3. if they were labeled with a r00, r01 etc at the end. Using Winrar, extract the frist file and it will extract the image.
  4. Anbu-One for the qaulity and Bakasan for the speed <3 That reminds me, Can anyone download 83 from animesuki?
  5. Saving animals and helping the system. What's so wrong about that
  6. If no one likes my plan. Then, keep em jail forever and shake a stick at em.
  7. Put all the convics on an island full of dangerous animals. It's easier then that death penalty crap.
  8. Hockey season is over. Up next, the Olympics
  9. The only ones that come to mind are Icarus and Chanrka (sp?). Since they don't run most comercial games yet, your pretty much in the dark. If you want to sprite rip, your going to need a capture card, a dreamcast (which are dirt cheap), games (cheap/free/warezed) and a really good hand at deleteing backgrounds.
  10. If I recall, they did have Bust-A-Move 3000 working at full GC speed.
  11. As long as it doesn't get out of hand with flaming. I think it was character threads O.o
  12. ATi's latest cards wipe nVidia in all most all games (Battlefield is the only one that it does fairly excellent, but is just a few fps off of nVidia's card). You're still getting a peice of hardware with that 9800Pro. 9800Pro is still top of the line. (The XT/X800XT Pro and the 5950/6800Ultra cards are flagship cards, as in, the company's greatest demo cards, not worth the money IMO. Just get the basic versions, replace stock cooling and flash the bios and you get your self a 9800XT/5950) As for AMD vs Intel, I prefer AMD because their cheaper and easier to OC(and unlocked to OC in the first place), only drawback is their crap stock cooling. Intel has been great until they locked their CPU's from getting OC'd in 1998 to now. If your going to get an intel cpu in the near future, get a cpu from the Northwood line. Their unlocked and better then an Intel Genuin.
  13. 7 because of it's story. 8 wasn't that appeling to me.
  14. I'm working out some stuff on getting a server thats going to be on all the friking time unless my house catches fire or the power goes out.
  15. Dude, your obession is freaking me out O.o
  16. Could anyone tell me if CAPCOM vs SNK2 works on it No really, please, I've had the ISO for a while now.
  17. I-No vs Morrigan would be better (see SRK's art section ) Anyways, I'm sick of having Street Fighter + 2 other guys vs COMPANY. I have to say that Sammy has more games then just Guilty Gear(Check their company history at Gamespot, they've been open since the late 1980's).
  18. I got tons of lost credit cards. I'm not that stupid to use one though. Anyways, cards these days have protection schemes just in case. So why risk it?
  19. I'll pm ya LSD since I don't want to spoil it for anyone.
  20. Not to mention most games are not yet playable in it's form.
  21. Dude, theres no english version of the Anime just yet (I hope it doesn't get licensed untill, lets say, the 150th episode). I read the manga mostly. You must mean Jiraiya and Orochimaru. Those 2 guys are cool. If you haven't seen Tsunade yet, wait! I'm not going to spoil it for you if your watching the anime. edit: spelling and minor fixes and Tsunade!
  22. Go get drunk with your family And post here (j/k) And life is long if you think it is! Works better if your drunk
  23. While your reaching(reaching, as in, not yet there) my list. I've seen(rather, read) much worse.
  24. The "average" gamers these days like 3D games over 2D. Because they think 2D is outdated(In respect to it, it is, but the limits have not been reached yet, they hit the peak during 1994-1995 with the release of several good fighters). Perfect Example... USA and Japan consider Castlevania: Symphony of the Night a classic ass game... European mags Bashed it 'cause it looked old school, and sold like sh--t over there because of that shallow opinion... (Note: if Castlevania:SotN was your first Castlevania game...you DON'T know Castlevania) I'm one of those people who get all nostalgic when I play Castlevania. When I first got my NES, that was the only game I had for 6 months.
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