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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. They pretty much tell you in the Anbu-One's subs of Naruto. Haku rules.
  2. 50 million bytes each, exactly. Suspicious. Add them all up and you should get at least 3.5GB (?). It's not suspicious, it's just files splitted up. I remember Emperor: Battle for Dune PCRIP was 127.6 megs, and it was split up seperatly to fit on 1.45mb Diskettes, which in turn was around 88 diskettes.
  3. Sad day for Gamefaqs. This is the guy who wrote all those FAQs for almost every KOF or fighting game related FAQ. We will never see another FAQ from him again. Only those who wish to continue his style of writing them. The man wrote 60 contributions for GameFaqs. He's one of the originals who got Gamefaqs off the ground. R.I.P.
  4. His Yaotome into Saika then. I wish Capcom didn't translate the moves :/
  5. Normal Iori's Chi no Bousou or Riot Iori's big explosion thingy where he lifts you up and blows the crap out of you?
  6. What??!!!???!?! Such a light punishment for such a cruel act???? Oh Lord, where is justice? It's when America sold it's soul to Bush.
  7. We will never see an actual ending per se. Just more extremist attacks to push the U.S. out of Iraqi soil for the better or worse of the country.
  8. If anybody cares. I'm thinking this < http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...19&WLBS=fsweb11 > because I have firewire(like 3 ports) on my computer. If anyone has any other suggestions that work on Firewire or USB 1.0? Edit and ships to Canada in 1 or 2 business days.
  9. It's not that bad, but it's still pretty bad. lol. The cool thing is Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth are all in it. That was the only reason I played it. And BTW, it ran alot better and looked better in the arcade than on PS1. I would of said that in a heart beat because the PS1 is not that powerful compared to a the said arcade board that used it.
  10. It's not wrong or right, for the matter is because yor insulting them which indeed does offend some.
  11. Because they have been born in the 90s. Dang blasted younguns! With their hip and cool XBOX and Rock 'Em Sock Em' robots and Phantom Gaming Service... K man you rule
  12. The "average" gamers these days like 3D games over 2D. Because they think 2D is outdated(In respect to it, it is, but the limits have not been reached yet, they hit the peak during 1994-1995 with the release of several good fighters).
  13. Because some semi-evil people do so. Actually, I consider a thread old/dead once it has been inactive for a month. I give it two weeks. But I agree with Carnicero about how Capcom doesn't go into the plot like the KOF games. Capcom never even released official bios for most of the SF3 characters which I thought was really lazy. Had they ever released complete bios? I don't know, since I haven't looked into that. SF2, not sure which version.
  14. Whats with the revival of 2/3 week old threads O.o
  15. Yeah, I try to avoid flame wars now ever since me and NeoMaster went at it.
  16. I knew also knew it wasn't based on anything. And I liked the movie. It just doesn't appel to much (BECAUSE IT ISN'T FOR YOU [p-a reference right there])
  17. No Cominus=Cockbite the only reason I flamed you was because you started off with the insults first. Just as you did now you retard. Heck I have even tried to be nice to you and you still were a jerk. So shut the hell up before you make yourself look even more stupid. You damn bigot. hehe... Fatal, please don't throw more gasoline into the fire. You two should shake hands and call it a day. Better yet, don't ignite it again. If you do, I want some roasted fish damnit!
  18. Neg, Costume made cases that are on sale on ebay > that. I hate pre-modded cases, takes out the fun
  19. The movie looks badass. So far I've seen Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Vincent - and each character looks cooler (Tifa kinda looks like Rinoa now, which is still cool, she can still kick ass). Hey, at least were getting some closure now(Hopefully more). Now lets hope they bring Before Crisis over to GBA or something.
  20. Yeah, they get all those things for free. I wish I was a hardware reviewer... They have to return it you know. Espcially if their samples.
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