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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Ahem WE'RE GOING TO EAT YOU. Didn't we just try this on....whatshisname? Whoever he was didn't come back. I guess we scared him off... Notes for the future, Do not let me say that sentece ever again .
  2. Ground Control 1 & 2 I prefer CIV3 over 2, but what ever Uhh, damn I have a limited selection when it comes to RTS O.o
  3. Their idenities are as mystersious as the next person who is going to look for them and do not heed our warnings (DO NOT DO IT). (Post Edited By: GameCop | Reason: Straight or Gay Comment, Keep it PG-13) What did I specifically say. Edit: Holy crap I just quoted my self
  4. EFnet are for druggies :/ Well, I know FBA-X, thats pretty much it.
  5. Actually, OVA/OAV, which ever term your comfortable with, are shown in Japan, but without comericals, thus preservering it's original 25 to 30 minute mark.
  6. It's called training dude. Why he isn't in 2k3 is because he's teaching that little ninja dude. Alba is a guy The 2 new characters aren't related to Orochi :/ (Could be wrong, but hey) Ash = Lien.
  7. Dude, bring up goatse and tubgirl into this conversation is wrong. Not only that, the only source we have on Goatse man is this: Their idenities are as mystersious as the next person who is going to look for them and do not heed our warnings (DO NOT DO IT). (Post Edited By: GameCop | Reason: Straight or Gay Comment, Keep it PG-13)
  8. Oh yeah, I forgot to respond to your double posted statment. Real Bout/Fatal Fury games are actually part of the King of Fighters storyline Notice how the name first started out a sub-title for the FF games? Fatal Fury: King of Fighters The first major change was in 1994 when it incorperated 3v3 fighting, and it's been the standard ever since.
  9. We were all about being ninja until we made French Canadians
  10. OMFG TRIPLE POST (:P((:( Dude just edit your posts. Just a helpful tip.
  11. No way dude, terriyaki! Soysauce with white rice. Teriyaki with everything else. Simple as that.
  12. You don't think that might be because...hmm...um...THE IRAQIS DON'T WANT THE COALITION THERE!!!!??! Because the coalition armies have been bombing hospitals, torturing Iraqi civilians, and they've reduced their country to rubble pretty much, meaning that people have to walk for two hours just to find clean water? What did you expect - that they'd welcome you with open arms? Don't make me laugh - like I've said, coalition armies INVADED, not LIBERATED Iraq, they are currently OCCUPYING thE COUNTRY! Let me put it this way - if Hussein had come in and 'liberated' the US from Bush, how welcome do you think HIS forces would be in the US????? And the Romans died out because they used lead piping for their plumbing systems - so they all turned insane becuase drinking water that's run through lead makes you go all crazy-like (why do you think one Emperor ordered his armies to declare war on posiedon - by throwing their spears into the sea?) Exactly, an invading force is never welcome by a country's inhabitants. I wouldn't like it if Canada invaded and was like "We're in control of your country, ey, now don't tell us aboot how we are going to deal with your citizens, ey." And the lead theory for the fall of the Roman empire is also considered as a very plausible reason. But it was all those things combined that totally decimated the Roman Empire. Hey! We burned down the White House twice! (just poking ya dude)
  13. Dude, shitake mushrooms suck unless fryed with soysauce.
  14. That discerption is pretty much G-Police.
  15. What the hell? See, that just proves my point: the only connection I can fathom between Malaysia and bin Laden/al Qaeda is the Muslim connection. Well, that's just a disguistingly shameful example of stereotyping - Bush is basically calling Malaysia a terrorist hotspot only because the predominant religion is Islam! Isn't there some major terrorist organization in Malaysia or is that just in Indonesia? I remember that bombing that killed a whole bunch of Australians but I can't remember if it was Indonesia or Malaysia. Which one is it? I hope one you of knows... But South East Asia is apparantly becoming a hot spot for terrorism. The 9/11 attacks were originally meant to be a world wide attack including those two towers in Malaysia. It was in Bali. And explain to me how SE Asia is becoming a 'hotspot for terrorism'. Your original explaination doesn't make any sense - if Malaysia was going to be attacked in a terrorism attack, that doesn't make them terrorists, that makes them targets. The US did get attacked, does that make them a 'hotspot for terrorism'? No no, I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying what I've seen on the happy unbiased news. And they were going to use some Malaysian sect of al Qaeda as far as I know. And so what if they're Malaysian, they'll still attack their own country because they're terrorists. You know...sometimes you just get really defensive that it gets extremely funny. This world doesn't revolve around peace. It never has and it never will. There will always be war. There will always be one side that wants to dominate another side. To even think that peace has a chance is just really funny. I don't get defensive, I get mad! I don't get mad AT anybody (seriously guys, anything I say, don't take it personal. It may seem like I'm attack your beliefs your values, and your opinions, but I'm not I'm just presenting my opinions on those views), but this war can never be justified! There are no two sides to the story - on the one hand, there was an evil, megalomaniacal dictator hell-bent on world domination, and on the other there was Saddam Hussein ( I kill me!). Yes, Hussein was a pretty nasty chap, but the Iraqis have it alot worse now than they did previously (I suppose there IS some degree of equality - they're all getting tortured equally under coalition rule), there is no justification for this war - lets look at things, number one there were supposed to be WMDs - none were found (and yes I know they found a tiny little cylinder full of sarin gas from before the Gulf War, big deal), and even if there were weapons, Iraq was perfectly hapy to let UN weapons inspectors in, but no that wasn't enough for Bush... this new justification is 'Saddam was a bad man, the Iraqis are suffernig'. Well, guess what, now they're suffering worse. Aaargh, can't you see why I get mad when people try to defend this war? There is no defence, the reason was this war would economically advantage bush and his enron pals...and as a result tens of thousands of people have died. To put it another way, I feel so strongly I can see the perspective of the monk who imolated himself as protest of the Iraq war - although I don't think I'll be doing it myself any time soon, I kind of like my skin being unburnt! Yeah, but the thing is that Bush stupidly got the US and other nations in this mess and pretty much flocked over Iraq. But it is still this coalition's responsibility to set things right. They made the mistake and they must fix it. Sure we don't have to agree with the war and think its completely pointless (I don't agree with the war and think its completely pointless) but that does not excuse any country from backing out of its obligation. I think Bush should come out and say "Ok guys, I flocked up. We shouldn't have gone to war with Iraq but now we cannot quit and must stay the course because it is the decent thing to do. Creating a stable government for the Iraqis is the responsibility of not just America but for the entire world so I have decided to make the UN an integral part of the rebuilding, government creating, and security operations. I apologize to the families of lost soldiers in Iraq, but I would also like to apologize to the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed, livihoods destroyed, and humiliated. And because of this, I have decided to commit seppuku by shoving a folded frisbee in my mouth during this live press conference. Haha just kidding *annoying smug smirk*, let's roll." No country can just pick up and leave now, that country is far to unstable. And I can't believe that the US is still gunning for the June 30th handover...what a bunch of arrogant stubborn bastards. Bush was wrong to go to war with Iraq but now that we're there we can't just quit. That's all I'm saying. And L.S.D, I wasn't attacking your country, its people or its policy. I was just stating what I saw on this PBS special on terrorism. Good point, but on the other hand, saying that pulling out would be a disaster is not putting much faith in the Iraqi people. Again I'll use the analogy - if it was the US that had been invaded and had its leader deposed, would you rather it was your own countrymen or the occupying country that chose your next leadership? I don't think that if this had happened in a technologically industrialised world (eg. the West, pretty much), it would be expected that any other country than the one which had been invaded would choose their new leader. That said, I am aware that Iraq is in a fair mess right now - divided into three religious-based groups united only by a hatred of the occupying army. That said, given that the Bush government has made a shambles out of invading the country, I don't think it should be up to them to choose Iraq's next Government (so, yes, including the UN would be a big step forward, another good point). I'm not sure, but did the War of 1812 did that(Or was it just the Canadians burned down the White House). Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, since I don't know american history well enough.
  16. Bah! Thats just a stereotype. Most gays are normal in everyway, unless your in Hollywood, because thats the place where stereotypes come alive.
  17. I still need to see Robotech: Macross Saga and The Masters Saga =/ If I recall, It was called Robotech in the U.S. and stayed Macross in Japan.
  18. Which Robotech are you talking about O.o Macross Plus is the one I like the most. I've seen 2 episodes of Macross Zero (at the rate of the OVAs :/) and so far it's decent.
  19. Radiohead "Sail To The Moon" If anyone has the chords for this, gimme a pm plz
  20. I don't know about you, but I hate radiation problems. Nuking Iraq isn't the answer, it would be a double edged sword. One, you'll be getting rid of the extremeists and what not, but two. You'll be killing innocent lives of many people which are higher then the extremeists and causing a major radiation problem. Didn't we learn anything from Chernobyl?
  21. Mines for Kawaks. hhmm thst set of yours using that P rom still gets messed up graphics and if the C fix is used it crashes Kawaks Nope, it doesn't crash mine. It works flawlessly.
  22. Now what would that do? Rome fell and they had the colosium. Thar=ts point less, except when they yell spanard then i'll be like "where's maximus" I don't think that Rome's colloseuem's had anything to do with their destruction. Much like I don't think our...okay no everything we do leads to our future destruction, nm. I think it was more of an Economical problem that lead the fall of Rome.
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