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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Looks better bro I haven't gotten any ideas for a new wallpaper in a while. EVerything is just so bland when I see try to make something now
  2. I would like to say that we wern't bashing Blah like Gamecop said. If it were like that, the results would be more terrible.
  3. Ok, since your driver is set to 8X, it could be the drivers them selves. Heres the link to OMEGA drivers. Much better then nVidia's (I use them on my second system and there much better overall)
  4. That would be awesome! Now all we have are these lame wrestling matches where no one gets killed (except for Brett Hart) or eaten by wild beasts. Bring back the good ol days!! Make the terrorists fight a gigantic bear high on angel dust. Now that's what I call entertainment. It was Owen Heart (R.I.P. one of the greatest wrestlers i've ever seen)
  5. sounds just like mine except i have nore ram, what does a 265 and a 128 mb (ddr or sd-r) ram add up to? if you meant 256 and 128 it's 384. If you mean it your way. it's 393, which is impossible unless your using 48MB sticks or something.
  6. I'll save that stuff for the movies. IRL, it's just too close.
  7. SD ram is slow(proven by hardocp ^^), and your 64mb video card is slowly getting outdated (I said slowly, you can still play games, just not at a good calibure) Also office stations arent supposed to be made for gaming :/ (unless like you got a Rage or a Cinaview and a fsck load of ram and a good cpu like a dual p4 system). Use Omega's Nvidia drivers too, they rule over nvidia's. Edit: Or just reformat =/ Edit yet again: SD ram is much slower then SD DDR ram, and which make is your AXP 2600+ Tbird or Duron? I'm on a roll here: It also could be that your AGP bus is running at 4X. Change the setting in your bios at boot up by pressing F1 or F1 or Delete and change it. Also change the setting in Windows also by setting your Card's bus rate to 8X. 4th Edit HOLY CRAP!: Use Forceware 53 pr 54, those are much better IMO.
  8. Thats also true. Dell has a way of putting parts in. The motherboard at times is barely removeable.
  9. Pretty sweet box. But Dell makes their computers from "off the shelf" parts ever since their XPS came out. ATi's new card which is the X800Pro is already out and X800XT Platinum Edition comes out in a few days (21st of May).
  10. Combat simulators - Since you didn't really define anything. Rainbow Six and America's Army. Call of Duty just because it uses Iron Sight.
  11. No, I've tried one of those and I did not like it, not only that, the software was rendered incompatible with my sister's system and would not play my MP3's properly. And 400 bucks US is around 600 CAD (since I live in Quebec and all, french bastard and their taxes). Not to mention their USB 2.0 only, so my computer - nope. Edit: They play OGG files, which is a plus to me. But yeah 2.0 only. Not going to work on my computer.
  12. Problem is people don't want to buy a new system :/ Find ways to OC their current one!
  13. Well, I'm having a hard time finding a good MP3 player. I have my eyes set on this and this as my choices but their just too expensive I would choose the latter but I don't have USB 2.0 :/ Other choices would be: http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...d=&newdeptid=19 1.5gb for some of my mp3s :/ Now for the 256MB or less mp3 players, the ones I don't want but might end up getting because their cheaper :/ http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...d=&newdeptid=19 http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...d=&newdeptid=19 http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...d=&newdeptid=19 Anything else is crap :/ Help me choose! Or donate (I take paypal only).
  14. The PS1 version owns! I always wanted to play it at the arcade but at the time it came out for arcades, none of them had it
  15. I got 6 walls O.o Anyways, bidding will start at a nice 1,024 Canadian (Which in turn is like 3 dollars american). Own a piece of history now!
  16. I joined, now don't kill me with your ninjas.
  17. Buy a new HDD or burn some of your stuff, that'll solve it. All my IDE cables are being used by other types of drives! NOES! I'll try and get a SATA or a EIDE card so I can have more HDDs (SATA for two, very nice 250gb hdds I've had my eye on for a while = totalling 500GB! With my current hard drives, I'll have 700 gb! COME ON MONEH!) Oh noes! My senses tell me to expect serious money shortage from your part. Hell yeah dude. My money = down the drain once I get everything. I'm selling parts of my room to pay for it
  18. Buy a new HDD or burn some of your stuff, that'll solve it. All my IDE cables are being used by other types of drives! NOES! I'll try and get a SATA or a EIDE card so I can have more HDDs (SATA for two, very nice 250gb hdds I've had my eye on for a while = totalling 500GB! With my current hard drives, I'll have 700 gb! COME ON MONEH!)
  19. Use something like Nero or A120% to burn the ISO on a CD-r or a DVD+/-R. Depending on the ISO size, try to get full rips or close to full rips (ones that are at least 1024MB or higher) and burn them to a DVD-/+R
  20. Some of you guys have to say a more elaborate explanation. This isn't one-liners club
  21. Ha ha, good point...everybody loves lesbians! So what have you guys got against gay men? Yuri = Own Yaoi = Own (for the fangirl crowd)
  22. Good point, random , thank you for helping defending my country, Malaysia. IMO, Malaysia will never be a terrorist haven is only due to 2 factors: 1. Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi religion country.(just like America) 2. Although Islam is the major religion in Malaysia, it is in a very liberal form. They do not practise extreme teaching of Islam here. 3. Our countrymen are really a bunch of cowards Including me. So it really boggles my mind if they really do something like bombing cars or chopping heads 1. Your cool, not America Cool, but your cooler then America 2. Attacks based on someone's religion is lame. It's just the easy way of saying it. So I'm glad they don't teach the extremes. 3. Good to know KEEP AWAY FROM MY HEAD! @emsley: Your double post makes Jesus cry.
  23. We have another thread guys :/ Minor weapons :/
  24. Yeah, it does that for a few fight scenes. I think the name Ryo Sakazaki is place holder because I saw atleast 3 seperate fighters using that name. maybe ryo is training under Shang sun from MK and now he can transform into any other fighter!! anyways no vanessa, no money from garage I miss Vanessa to Shes so cool, and hot...for a 30 year old O.o
  25. - Good movie -also good -Anything before 1980 is good.
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