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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Someone send me anime. I'm running out of HDD space again
  2. I don't think your a good leader You wouldn't. But in fact, I excel at it. I'm known as "the overmind". ... Not really, but I should be. From one dragon to another. I ain't a great leader either Well, theres always time to improve teh leadarship skillz.
  3. You need a modchip to play backups on a PS2 (both for PS1 and PS2 games).
  4. Old School and New School Terry are in the game. So is '99 Kyo and '98 Kyo And Rock!
  5. Doesn't it just brake your heart? LOL, not really, no... My point exactly, another set of crushed dreams. Hahaha. You are evil! Now kick em while their down!
  6. My wisdom teeth are fine O.o No problems....yet.
  7. Radiohead "Pyramid Song" For a song that only uses single chourds. It's fscking hard.
  8. The writing sucks in the movie version of games and vice-versa. MK1 and RE owned.
  9. You mean compared to VF4. Tekken doesn't lead in graphics for 3D fighting games, VF does. I actually think Tekken does. Their character designs for T4 were a big overhaul from TTT/T3. VF has some character redesigning to do. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7008 !!!111111 for pictars!
  10. Newer roms aren't offically supported yet because they want arcades to get money. If you want to play them so bad, go get the driver info and compile your own version of mame.
  11. Strange, A120% should be able to burn CDI. Works for me O.o
  12. It's strange, i have the original romset(which was the mame version, and appeared messed up in Kawaks) and this fully decrypted set, which doesn't have the scrambled graphics.
  13. Check around Capcom's news section. I saw it as a press release. I don't have the link anymore.
  14. KOF sprites still look realistic to a term :/
  15. WTF is that? It's as close to it's "OMGWTFBBQKTHXLOLBBL!!!!11" brotheren.
  16. Your as complexed as your chinese zodiac symbol.
  17. Thats true. You need to have french on anything thats out in the public. If theres just english on it. Be prepared to face the language police. But theres news in english and french. Same applies to television stations.
  18. The french is right up there with KOF/SF too. They may always give up, but in fighting games they just own.
  19. Just place all the roms onto DVD and burn as a "Data CD." This thread should go to PC help. I'm sure a mod will move it.
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