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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Yes, people are scaremongoring over the failure rates of 360s. Everyone I know has NEVER had their 360 do a permenet RRoD on them. A simple reboot is what all it took for it to get back on it's tracks. Alot of consumers don't bother to put it in a well ventilated area and their complaining about overheating issues? I tell you, if you want a product with a fail rate of 5%, then buddy, don't buy anything until the 6-7th generation, heck, don't even use any computer above a 486, that CPU is practically bug free now and NASA uses it! Nothing is perfect, that includes building a machine. Just because it's doing better, doesn't mean it's for all the right reasons. You know the majority of users buying it? People who want cheap and affordable Blu-Ray players. Gamers for the PS3 make up about 40% of that ratio. Major consumers are more concerned about it being a glorifed and cheap Blu-Ray player that can also play games on the side and not the other way around. "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated" - Mark Twain. It applies to 360 RRoDs as well.
  2. I loved Conan's show when it was during the Writer's Strike. A lot of great material he thought up of.
  3. I fully blame vista. Or your drivers. But mostly vista.
  4. All DLC will most likely be included with the PC vers. Plus we can mod the crap out of the game on PC. New cars, new models, buildings etc.
  5. And the only fact here is there stating right here is the Failure Rate of the PS3 (3%) is better then the 360's (something like 40% i think). edit: reworded to make sense :3
  6. Not always. It's all 3rd party developers. Viva Pinata still isn't on PC and Shadowrun just plain sucks!
  7. Fallon is a great choice after seeing him do the guest spot on Late Show. Now, when do we expect O'Brien to take over Leno's spot? I heard Leno wanted to do a year or 2 more.
  8. Snaking was a technique found in MKDS where you do multiple mini-turbo boosts in a row to gain a massive speed advantage. Apparently it was also in MK64 as well, but on a smaller scale. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4422514278785769760 Snaking or as Nintendo calls it "Mini Turbo" tutorial.
  9. I saw inky playing it while I was doing some 360 matience.
  10. If anyone is wondering what I'm talking about. The latest issue of the UK's Edge magazine contains an interview with Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima, who expresses disappointment with the latest game in the series, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. It isn't so much the gameplay itself as it is the graphics. "Game-wise, it's pretty close to the original vision: you sneak into the battlefield and can choose whether to do a stealth game or interfere with the battle more directly. But the graphic, side things like motion-blending and the size of the map, totally was not accomplished to my original vision - to my satisfaction. Now Kojima is a well-known perfectionist, but it is a bit disturbing to see him voice his dissatisfaction with what is supposed to be the masterpiece of the franchise. So where does he lay the blame for not fully realizing his vision? "When we first showed the game engine at TGS, the staff were really proud and happy. PS3 was a dream machine, y'know, and we were going to work on this and that - and we had so many ideas. But when we actually started developing the game, we realized there were a lot of restrictions and so it turned out how you see it today. The original vision was to go ten steps further, the reality was just one step, which isn't to say we didn't progress. So there was certainly progress made, but not enough progress...or more specifically, not enough power for progress. Apparently the team overestimated what the PlayStation 3 was capable of. I remember saying three years ago that we wanted to create something revolutionary, but in reality we couldn't really do that because of the CPU. We're using the Cell engine to its limit., actually. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the PS3 machine, it's just that we weren't really aware of what the full-spec PS3 offered - we were creating something we couldn't entirely see. Well there you have it, straight from the man himself. Metal Gear Solid 4 is not revolutionary. Personally I think the man is being a bit hard on himself, but that's what great minds do. - Edge Magazine.
  11. There is also the fact some companies still find the PS3 hard to develop for to a degree. There was also Kojima has said the PS3 was less then he expected once the team started to develop for it as oppose to the teaser trailer.
  12. Agreed, just you. PS3 games still have the problem of looking too plasticy IMO.
  13. To be correct, it's a Visual Novel game it spawned from. Which is the XRated (PC, first to come to out) and a new All-Ages remake is coming out soon with a Saachin route! But yeah, it was a doujin game primarely, as Melty Blood was, then as Type-Moon recived more income, Ecole made Act Cadenza. I hang out in #mbac so theres always matches to around when someone asks.
  14. Nothing big. Not as solid as any other fighters out there. Little replayability.
  15. Then we proceed to say YIFF IN HELL! Unless something cute pops up then we'll be YIFF I-D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Also, Yiff is also posted on Fridays like clockwork (Furry Fridays). On the plus side theres Caturday (Catgirls posted everywhere! Like Felicia, cosplay), Titty Tuesday (Boobs, lots of it). Also on selected boards, theres Riderday (Friday), Panzupiri Day (Usually in conjunction with Titty Tuesday, other wise it's Thurdays or Mondays, depends on the users) and occasional Zetsobou Sunday (Mass posting of Zetsoubou materials).
  16. Dude, any motivation pics you find are from there, hell I made some of those.
  17. Too bad /b/ went under a mass exodus years ago and is merely a shadow of it's former self. I WAS THERE! Christ, the newfags don't even know what AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR and Cockmongler is.
  18. Well, BtN is a much improved version of HM64 after all, with FoMT being an improved BtN in an old school SNES kind of way. I love the DS ones with all my heart as well, but did not include them because I find them seperate to the console ones as I did not put as many hours into them as I did with the console ones (My sister on the other hand, constantly has my HM games. Plays them inbetween school periods, on the school bus, when we go out, just before bed if she isn't reading a book).
  19. And theres Sting himself also. He still wrestles too.
  20. Wow, fatal looks like my best friend who lives next door. seriously he does.
  22. My hair is long. It's hockey hair. It flows when I run across the rink and score.
  23. I say check out the N64 (HM64) or PSX (HM:Back to Nature) first. These are by far two of the best games in the whole series. For GCN/PS2 era, HM: Magical Melody is the best bet. Brings back the same addictive gameplay with characters from practically every era of Harvest Moon. For something more linear, HM: A Wonderful Life is the game for you. It's a more linear then Magical Melody, BtN and HM64.
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