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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. It's pretty much happening in Quebec. Quebec as a whole wants to break off Canada and be independent. There is also a bunch of people who are dead set against it. It's strange because the canadian national anthem was written by a francophone. Now here they are wanting to break off Canada.
  2. The last time I checked #Reload arcade machines weren't coming state side. Maybe I'm wrong since I get nothing at all.
  3. Personally dude, that was the first offical one I've been too that I didn't host for a couple of friends. It was an actual tourney. The only way I ever practiced was with those group gatherings of friends. The computer gets very lame even on Arcade level 6. You'll notice patterns and such after a while (personally, thats why I got sick of GGXX). It's with those group grathering of friends that have made me good using Millia. Tournements and friends aside. The only reason I play is to learn more of the characters and storylines. Another reason is because it's just fun. When you quit playing a game for months or even years. The instant you play it again you get a sense of joy and question why you stopped playing it. Thats what happen when I started to play Guilty Gear XX and UMK3(on mame) again. I felt that something rekindered my soul for the games. As you left the game, your skill deteiorates. Once you play the game again, for the first time in months, you feel an instant when all that you thought you've once lost has come back anew. And to be honest, I don't think I would be as great compared to the greats in Guilty Gear. Since you excluded arcades and such for competetion. I'm actually thinking of getting an Xbox with live and a few live enabled fighting games. No one touches fighting games here anymore. Only the selected few that wish to toy around with a couple of friends. Until they see me The Assassin in the Moon Light comes anew
  4. It's because of the sight of I don't know. NAKED PEOPLE! I would say CBC News World as the most informative Least realible would be...CTV News.
  5. Well his genocide was basically all through with by the time the UN got big enough to do anything. I was referring more to Pol Pot and the Rwanda genocide. Ah I see. Well for historical reference. Stalin's genocide was much higher then Hitler's. Stalin's secert police is mostly to blame.
  6. I wonder where was the U.N. when Stalin did his genocide (which is a higher count then Hitler's). Side note, lay off the hallucanagens G.
  7. I never trust those until it's final or something.
  8. We could see a simutanous release of SF3/SF2AE for both PS2 and Xbox when they hit state side.
  9. I added more CFJ pics from the trailer video.
  10. I know thats a cheat code but what does it do? I dun remember. it was a stratagy game tho. if you but in "all your base are belong to us" you instantly won. and if you put in "someone set us up the bomb" you instantly lost. I think it's Starcraft or Warcraft 3. I'm not totally sure.
  11. Yes, they are both original characters. Amingo was a character in a Capcom game that was canceled. Ruby Heart, well, I hope to see her more.
  12. Then lock your doors you morons. You don't get it do you. WE DO EVERYTHING TO PROTECT OUR STUFF. We do lock our doors. We do turn on our security systems. But it still happens! You sterotypical jackass.
  13. Were not all sun shine and lollipops here dude. There are alot og burglaries in Montreal. Espeically in the suburbs.
  14. Should of gotten a GBA or something.
  15. Dude, Japan is known for their buddahism. You think it's safe here? Christ dude, in Montreal alone theres more unsafe drivers then you can shake a stick at. Not to mention the gangs problem and what not. We got racists too you know. Some people said GTFO and burned down part of a jewish school last winter.
  16. Ninjas should of taken Saddam out of power. It's easier and cost efficent.
  17. I still remember what he did during 9/11. But why should he invade Iraq at all? The personal vendetta theory is my strongest reason why he would do it. Saddam did backed the attempted assassination of Bush Sr. after all.
  18. Thats one and the same to the U.S. No, I don't want to join the cause because it's wrong. The solution it self isn't big either be it the same as the cause. Because it's basically the same thing. I won't be part of something such as this. Gasing is own people? Hello? Russia has a a higher rate of genocide then any other place in the world. Did you know russian officers had the right to shoot any of the conscripts if they ran away? What's funny is it's the U.S. that put Saddam their in the first place. I'd rather be a spectator then to help someone invade a country.
  19. It's a messege they're sending. Don't enter someone else's war. In retrospect, the U.S. has done more bad things next to Stalin and his secert police, the KGB. America is not teh suck. I respect the people that said that this whole war in the first place was wrong. But I won't respect when people say this war is for a cause. WHAT CAUSE IS THAT? The man (Saddam) had nothing to do with 9/11. He wasn't in a pack with terrorists. Saddam wanted Iraq to be another super power nation like North Korea, China, France (they have nukes too)> He wanted to make his country advance in the technological weaponary field, other then being nukes like the other countries, it was biochemical. Why should he go attack Iraq, when theres another dictator who is worse then Saddam. Guess what, Castro has a nuke pile too and IS IN FIRING RANGE OF THE UNITED STATES! We don't want another Cuban Missle Crisis do we?
  20. On that note, my older sister has a lighter skin tone then both my parents. And I said major percentage like what you just said.
  21. No, theres alot more guys in black than red. I think the guys in red robes are a higher tier of it's social ladder.
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