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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. By any chance, are you 13? I'm just wondering, thats all. and
  2. At least were getting a 2D fighting game from Capcom, one thats somewhat new.
  3. Antiwinner and I are debating weather this picture is a zombie or not. I know that RE4's director said they weren't going to be any zombies, but maybe they slipped this through? Points on why it isn't a zombie: Looks dead, very dead Has somewhat of an intelligence Controlable Points on why it is a zombie: Looks dead, very dead Skin is decaded ITS FRIKING GOING TO BITE HIM Random points: He wares a red robe =P Others waring the red robe look fine (besides the fact that they are possesed in some way) His gloves are white
  4. I don't know how could the Mayans and Aztecs still exist since a major percentage of them were wiped out when the spainards invaded. On a side note. I am filipino, and I do understand spainish because of the mixture of it in Tagalog and the other tongue which no one has never told me the name. When people see my parents they ASSUME their mexican or spanish. Thats why.
  5. I have 98 pictures worth of screen captures from the trailers. I'll post a few of each here and the rest will be on a web page Capcom Fighting Jam King of Fighters: Maximum Impact SNK E3 2004 Trailer Go here for the rest of them. A FRIKING 56K WARNING. USERS BEWARE. THERE ARE 7+ PICTURES ON EACH PAGE. YOUR CONNECTION WILL GET RAPED BY JUST LOADING THESE PICUTRES. Sorry for the caps. but it was the only way you'd fscking notice.
  6. You cant criticize america unless you live in america. A lot of people dont like bush. If you'd watch american teleivision you'd see that every comedian or some political guy criticizes president bush. Here in america there's this thing, and this thing is called an election, and in the election we elect a president, you still following me? Ok, every 4 years we have a new election, and there's like one coming up this year(I think) and more than likely bush is going to be voted out. If you dont want bush to be president again then STFU and become an American and vote his azz out, it's as simple as that. Thats actually very defensive. We can criticize it anyway we want. Be it we live in it or not. America is a nice place (with the exception New Jersey, that place gives me the creeps), but it's being protryed as something else to the world. I know tons of americans who would rather see tictacs(<- LOL I BRING IT UP YET AGIAN!) then Bush. I'm up for all the anti-Bush propraganda and telling people to vote. With all this happening, will you do it? First off encourage your own people to vote before telling us what to do.
  7. lol... is that a bad or good thing? It's cool that you kinda look like Malin. Strange, but cool. I DEMAND YOU POST SOME OF THEM ON 4chan in /s/!
  8. That is the greatest band name. EVER. Dream Theater "Voices"
  9. No, they can read all. But some will read better then others.
  10. Times like this we should have an Uncensord Thread. But hell in high waters like thats ever going to happen. I know for one attacking Iraq was because of oil and Bush Sr. vendetta against Saddam. It's very clear. I'm afriad of what's next. What if North Korea doesn't want to disarm it's nukes (It's nuclear program is top notched, in both the industrial and weaponary fields). As a matter of a fact, get rid of all those dud nukes first. When things go wrong, I'll just go hide out in Alaska. Jailing people? That would cause more extremeists who would want their release.
  11. Let's avoid another Cosplay thread shall we? (Very hot)
  12. We should keep this politcal talk a little less something or other (Can't figure out the word) so we don't get something like this closed, or worse, deleted.
  13. Like something thats spelled out as GAMERS WE ARE ends up to be JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRL HORNYNESS (bad example , but you get the point.).
  14. Bomb shitake mushrooms, one state at a time. Of course they're not going to witch hunt every white guy! HELLO! Bush=President=Bomber of shitake mushrooms. Sure it's easy to criticse somebody when it's not you, but when it is you what do you do? You take every mofo you can find and beat thier azz. I dont know how they do it in the up over, but here in the O.C. Of America we kick Nikkas azzes. Never talk gangsta again. It frightens me. Although this maybe payback for goatse AND tubgirl. mr.random guy is correct. That Iraq and Saddam never had to do anything with 9/11. Afganistan is just a hiding place for Al Qaeda. Thats questionable. He could of been persuaded to do it. You know how America likes a good war now and then right? Be it their own or others?
  15. I got another link for the trailer. http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/683/683099/vids_1.html
  16. I couldn't find a good enough picture of her other then the one my friend sent me, but I can't post it.
  17. E3 has ended and all the editors are packing up and going back. This year's E3 was a handful and extradoinary, and the babes this year. My god, they were hotter then ever! Firsts things first. What I think was all the rage. Best show: Halo 2 - Now I say this because if you've seen the "Evolution of Halo" video, you'll understand more. Now I really hope it gets ported to PC. Or else on November 9th, I'm skipping school and getting an Xbox and playing it. Halo 2 actually looks fun! Biggest disapointmeant: SEGA's BIG FSCKING SUPRISE! - Load of BS, a BIG LOAD OF BS. Biggest reaction: Nintendo DS - People who have said that it woudn't be that great tried it on the floor, 5 minutes after their giggling like school girls playing Metroid. Biggest suprise (completely diffrent to reaction): The Legend of Zelda - ADULT LINK BIATCHS! Best Technological Demo: Unreal 3.0 - Running Alienware's new ALX line of PC (Dual 6800Ultra with some Dual CPU). Most impressive game: Gran Turismo 4 - Oh my god. Longest time to get into something: Starbucks coffee line to get coffee - Appearently getting coffee was more satisfying than SEEING GAMES ON THE SHOW FLOOR. Most secert game: BLACK - I know NOTHING of it other than the video showed was awesome and HL2 like. Coming to PS2 when a publisher picks it up. Conference grading: Nintendo = B+ Sony = B Microsoft = B- Sony's wasn't that appeling, even with the unvielment of the PSP. Nintendo's stood out the most. Microsofts was the most interesting with it's new featuring testing in Japan. Note: Reggie will kick your ass if you don't buy a DS. Best E3 Boothbabe: Her It started out as BloodRayne being my number 1 vampire (technically dhampire) babe from last year, now it's the Vampire: The Masquerade boothbabe. She can suck my blood anyday. Games that should of standed out but didn't because they weren't as big as last time or just didn't make groundbreaking news. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - All I know is IGN gave out alot of art. Starcraft: Ghost - Fileplanet is the only place I knew where it had VIDEOS Battlefield 2: Modern Warfare - For consoles. HEY! It's Desert Combat! King of Fighters 2002/2003 PS2 - King of Fighters 2003 has some new stages! And they look beautiful. One level will remind you of The Boat level from `98. Killzone - The "HALO" killer game. Come out already damnit. Capcom Fighting Jam - You know it, I know it. THE GAME NEEDS MORE COVERAGE! Mortal Kombat: Deception - See CFJ. Tekken 5 - See MKD. Xenosaga Episode II - See T5 King of Fighters Maximum Impact - See Xenosaga. Call of Cthulhu - Cthulhu wants coverage or else he'll finally destroy the world. Kingdom Hearts II - Release more info damnit. Starwars: Republic Commando -...gimme... Doom 3 - It wasn't that big this year since it's shipping this year for PC. Silent Hill 4: The Room - See KOFMI. Overexposed stuff: PSP / Sony in general DS Half-Life 2 Halo 2 GT4 Prince of Persia 2 GTA: San Andreas Knights of the Old Republic 2 - You know that trailer they were running? Sucked hardcore. But I still have hopes for this game. Matrix Online Now the news regarding I.D. Software, creators of Doom and Quake. I.D.'s next game of fear and terror? Or something totally different we'll just go "WTF?" at?
  18. I'll be with my parents the entire time so I'll definitely be fantasizing...it's going to suck so much. I wish some aliens would abduct me. Keep that new DC of yours in mind....fantasize about that and everything will be a breeze. Remember to bring gifts from Florida to all 1Emu members. Physicals gifts prefered Digital ones to like....stuff.
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