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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. They? Who's they? Im mexican, or american of mexican decent. I dont like Latino becuase when i hear it im thinking somebody who's latin or from south america, which im not. Some like hispanic, which is like somebody of "spanish/latin/mexican" origin, and a few other like chicano, i guess. Oh Yeah he said Meaning he's "hispanic" too. Do you people perfer the term "hispanic" since everyone from the Latin Americas are originally from Spain and/or the Philipines? If you ask me, it's the perfect way to distinguish from those who are Spanish (from Spain) those those who aren't.
  2. You better plan your Grandia episode while your gone!
  3. TEHYZ R COVARING TEH TRHUTZZZ!!!1111oneoneonethreeelevensixteeneight. Theres a very good reason they won't allow unautherized people in places around NASA.
  4. They prefer the term "Latino." I execpt stereo types all around.
  5. There's gotta other lifeforms out there yo!!! No wonder I always see those lights when I sippin'...... Electricity is living too (but not like living beings)... Theoretically, everything is living. Just in it's own space.
  6. He kinda looks like Malin in teh last pic O.o
  7. I would like to see a female version of my self and go "HOLY CRAP!??!?!!1111111onesixthreeelevenslash"
  8. Not to offend you or anything, but theres seems to be a double posting of threads by different people http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6955 But theres some things mentioned here that I like (WHOOO KARIN!) And Gauges for different characters
  9. I thought I was the only one that felt it...
  10. Since this is the E3 Edition and heres the http://www.gamespyarcade.com/livewire/index_web.shtml scedual for the day.
  11.                     ,..-──- 、                       /. : : : : : : : : : \                    /.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ヽ                    ,!::: : : :,-…-…-ミ: : : : :',i                 {:: : : : :i '⌒'  '⌒' i: : : : :}                 {:: : : : | ェェ  ェェ |: : : : :}   「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄                 { : : :    ,.、   |:: : : :;!    |   I'm Ronald McDonald and I approve this thread.                  .ヾ: :: :i r‐-ニ-┐ | : : :ノ   _ノ                 __,. -ゞイ! ヽ 二゙ノ イゞ‐─- __ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄           _ -‐ ''"     \` ー一'´丿 !\    ゙̄ー- 、          ハ       /   |ヽ ̄ ̄//  ヽ        ハ          |  ヽ      く     !.>ーく /     >      / !            |   |     _>  レ'-、 r‐/   <_      /  !          .∧   !    ヽ     | 厂L/     /     i  .∧        / \  |     \   ∨  !    /      | / ハ        ハ   ヽ |      ヽ    !  |   /      |   /ヽ       /  \   |      ヽ.  | ./  /       |   // \      /     \ |       \ ∨  /          | /- '    ヽ      /, -──‐-ミ」        , ‐''二二⊃、       |/  / ̄ ̄`ヽ!     レ′   ̄ ̄ ̄`ー─---、_/ ′二ニヽ' \--──┴'' ̄ ̄ ヽ   | Now thats hardcore
  12. A find the pictures of the characters a little light, maybe a bit darker shad onto them would work. Overall, nice blending skills.
  13. a bin file is a CD image. You can burn it by selecting "Show All Files" then selecting the bin file and burning it onto a CD. Or use Deamon tools with the same way and it should work.
  14. Why don't you believe in the existence of aliens? Hahahahaahahahahahaha! How do you account for evolution in that? EVOLUTION IS JUST A COVER UP FOR THE TRUTH!
  15. wha!? the dirt bike is in vice city. I am talking about the retarded low rider bicycle. I remember once during a Habitat for Humanity build we saw this low rider bicycle with coke cans in its spokes. It was so flocking ghetto and hilarious. We didn't dare yell out anything or we might have been shot, we were in a rough neighborhood. Of all places
  16. My theory is that we were once so advance, we killed each other out (and I mean totally out, I mean we could of been aiming to get lava out and something terrible happned in the process causing the world to go up in flames) and we basically just restarted all over again with the bare sum of survivors. It's skeptical, but it works when we found out that some volcanos are just "sleeping."
  17. That actually depends on the file type used. If I remember correctly, they use RM for Real and ASX for Windows Media Player.
  18. I'll be the first one to unlock it. Mankind must be destroyed. I hope he rapes your mind with images that are too explicit even for the human mind.
  19. You can see me getting a DS at launch. As for the PSP, i'm skeptical about it because of the screen and the odd placement of the stick.
  20. They will find ways to emulate the touch screen.
  21. All I know, Cthulhu might exist and were doomed if we ever unlock his sleeping place.
  22. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6981 Honestly I don't know how could you of'ed missed it.
  23. I'll give you input when I beat Shenmue 2
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