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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Actually, you don't have to pay for anything unless it is labeled "Subscriber"
  2. No. The gameplay is from the PS2 version. The Xbox and PS2 vids have 2 diffrent footage of #Reload. #Reload is being published by Majesco not sammy.
  3. They better license some N.W.A. or else I'll be pissed.
  4. In life, there are somethings we aren't meant to know.
  5. You might be right ;D Fileplanet has 2 gameplay videos. The Xbox version and the PS2 version of it.
  6. Sammy likes to keep things under wraps. We never heard of Isuka until someone on a GameFAQs msg board told everyone about it.
  7. I got more, This is the KOF MI TRAILER!!!!!! http://www.fileplanet.com/files/140000/140577.shtml
  8. Well, since no contact was made yet. Heres something to qwinch your thrists. http://www.fileplanet.com/files/140000/140578.shtml
  9. People keep saying it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well I got news for you (not aimed AT you, i'm using the expression). It isn't.
  10. They showed off the DS on Livewire (Gamespy/IGN). And the shoulder buttons are there and intergrated into the shell (Kinda like the normal GBA). Flash media cart slot is at the top and the bottom part of the DS houses the GBA games. And it will have enough power Sony fanboys can die once they figure out the battery life for the PSP.
  11. Ok, all day since 11:00 AM EST. I've been reading, breathing, showering, eating E3. Watching videos, reading information, looking for boothbabe pics and video game pics. I've watched Gamepy/IGN Livewire on my friend's IGN account watching interviews of people, and this is my quote of the day. He owns for what he said on the media. Will Wright (Creator of The Sims and Simcity games) is a lazy bastard and he did something I would of done. Compare the human brain to a processor. Pretty funny stuff. Well lots of things were showed on the floor. People are still line at this moment trying to get in the KOTOR2 booth to see the trailer. WHICH IS VERY BAD ASS! I got a tons of boothbabe pics, but I can't show them to you or else Ed is going to kill me. Now now, I've seen all the clips at IGN, Gamespy AND Gamespot (I recently subscribed to it and very happy). And my god, there is so much I want to show you all but can't because I don't wanna break the ToS. But I can tell you this. Because I am underground like person. Tomorrow, starting at 11:00 AM EST with pre-show and at 12:30 PM EST I will stream the Insider version of the Livewire cast on Shoutcast And I shall debut a few things, such as the Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children trailer in Full Sound. After that, just for you guys to feel the intestity it was at the Nintendo Conference, I'll stream the audio of that also. The inital reaction to the DS was amazing. If i'm luck enough to get help. I'll even get a video stream up so you can watch the Insider Livewire.
  12. Your poor skill in fighting games or your not used to using an arcade stick most likely.
  13. I know I useally get the info, but since I've been concentrating on E3, SSVS is out state side now?
  14. Perrin Kaplan from Nintendo of America said on Gamespy/IGN Livewire (Something I've been watching all day, which is live on the floor at E3) stated that they are aiming for a Holiday Season release in the U.S. and 1st Q in Europe. The PSP for sure will hit the $200 mark because of it's specs. For the record, I watched all the conference videos of the "Big 3." Sony's wasn't as great as I thought it would be. The only thing I liked out of the whole thing was Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children trailer.
  15. meh It works and it supports 98% of the web.
  16. holy christ, make links of pictures this big.
  17. lets see if we can push the censors lol Push the limits of PG-13!!!111111onesixthree
  18. Well, the game had 3 exclusive characters, Ingrid, D.D. and Rook come to mind. Strider, Ryu, Nash, Chun-Li, Haggar, Poison, Strider, Alex, Batsu and Akira were all planned along with those 3 exclusive characters.
  19. Someone once said. "Actions speak more louder than words." Damn hell they got our attention.
  20. And hopefully a new episode for Gryph's Grandia episode.
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