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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. It could happen. Once the games are dumped, people can make some sort of player.
  2. Offically, I can tell you right now. DS is planned a simlutanous release with Japan this Holiday Season (December) and 1st Q in Europe and PSP this year in Japan, and Early Summer at the latest in the U.S.
  3. Strange, I don't get cracking sounds in my Mame games o.o
  4. Ah, excellent. So these kinda threads are allowed Xbox is big :E Edit: Ok after coming to a conclusion. The PSP are DS are pretty much the same. The only reason PSP games look good is because of the small screen, honest to the truth. Same applies to the DS. If you played these games on TV's you'd see a big difference. Both portable's games would look jaggy as the PS2. The reason I'm saying this is because the PSP IS NOT like it's PS2 brother. You can get PS2-like (see, Like) graphics on it, same applies with the DS if you know how to exploit the hardware. The PSP has been in development longer then the DS, so what do you expect? Dev teams already know the PSP by heart by the back of their hand. The time the final DS prototype was made final, they showed it to companies in March 2004. What bugs me about the PSP is the screen, it's that damn screen. Oh and the PSP will be the new Hand Held fighter system, and everything else should concentraly work on the DS. Although a fighting game using both screens would be somewhat strange don't you think?
  5. Just to feel like a moron and THIS is a funny picture
  6. It's more like "WE ARE POLICE OF THE WORLD! NOW WE RUSH YOU ALQUIDEA KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE ^_________________________________________________^"
  7. Telling from the vids. I Think they re-drew the DS sprites. I mean just look at Dimitri!
  8. They captured him. I think he looks like Santa Clause o.o
  9. I re-read the rules, isn't a thread like this not allowed ?
  10. You don't know how much I'm trying to download stuff off that site.
  11. Said it like a true man. Muahaha! But I'm sure it will take a nice long while to get those emulated... YES! it is true. Sony has new encryption for it's UMD media and Nintendo also for it's Gigabit Cart media too. Tough to crack, but I can't wait!
  12. For the record. MK3 sucked because the console ports litterly killed it. Play the Arcade version on MAME and you'll know why.
  13. Yup, the power of MP3 Enabled CDplayers.
  14. He contacts you on the reason why they were removed and he puts the reason in your sig too just in case you didn't read his PM. I guess he skipped the pm'ing system =/
  15. Seriously dude, quit it with the magic.
  16. How long as it been since I last saw this? I'm up for banners, but not those annoying pop-ups.
  17. what was wrong with the ps2 controller? its nt like you were playin' tekken on a gc controller Honestly dude. I would rather play Tekken 4 on a GC controller, because it handles awfully on a PS2 one.
  18. It happened to me, He useally contacts you via PM.
  19. Not to offend some of you, but you guys are really starting to turn into SONEH FAN BOISSSZZZZZZ!!!!!!11111onesixteenthreeslash
  20. Not to say anything or to make you look stupid, but thats WAS the whole idea with CFAS.
  21. Oh hell, I'm not going to start nor enter in to see which is better. It would of been better as a link too ;;
  22. I'm still going to import it just to be leet.
  23. I blame the controllers of the PS2
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