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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I hope you have messy hair like him, Cuz that hair = The own!
  2. Is it just me or does every fighting game scream for more characters at one point or another? Well, ruling out some KOFs maybe. GGXX had an awesome roster. Yes, yes it does. I mean The Rumble Fish has 9 Characters.
  3. NEEDS MORE CHARACTERS! I know, it's still development so don't biatch at me ;P
  4. I think it's possible they are taking the CFAS characters and ported them to 2D because they were just lying around at the office. I would like to see D.D.
  5. This must be for feeling guilty when they canning Capcom's Fighters All-Stars. So they make up for it by making a game that looks like SF3 and kicks ass.
  6. I think we got our wish for a Capcom Fighting All Stars-like game. Too bad CFAS was actually starting too look nice
  7. Your Not on drugs, this is the E3 Thread filled with so many updates, your head is going to explode. Now with commentary! (IGN) Metal Gear: Acid - Hideo Kojima's next project, this time, for the PSP < http://psp.ign.com/articles/513/513793p1.html > Very very PS2 like and sexy. What's strange is the format of the screen O.o Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children will be the first UMD movie for the PSP < http://psp.ign.com/articles/513/513994p1.html > One of the first UMD Media movies coming out for the PSP The infamous Metroid Prime game that looks EXACTLY LIKE IT'S GAMECUBE COUNTER PART! < http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/513/513153p1.html > OMG ORGASAM PSP AND DS ARE GOING TO OWN! nVidia has shipped their FX5700 Cinima Series in North America now! < http://gear.ign.com/articles/513/513582p1.html > Where were these guys when AIW 8500 came out!?!?!! Wario DS! < http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/513/513157p1.html > Looks just as nice as the GC Sonic has entered Dual-Screen < http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/513/513168p1.html > Bitches! Sega sides with nintendo! No sign of what was the big hubbub at their Conference though Starfox is back, and it's not like the last! Yes, you can fly your Awings now < http://media.cube.ign.com/media/481/481615/imgs_1.html > One word: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Um, yay? () < http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/566/566556/vids_1.html > No comment Chaos: SNK vs Capcom annouced exlusively for Xbox - With live? < http://xbox.ign.com/articles/513/513714p1.html > Damn it, might as well get an Xbox now Ninjas are always cool, Ninjas in Red are cooler, Female ninjas in red take the cake! < http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/606/606221/imgs_1.html > *Drool* Classic game is remade! < http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/660/660946/imgs_1.html > yay! Buy soap, fight hard. < http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/621/621141/imgs_1.html > Is Brad Pitt in it? Samurais = Own < http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/677/677080/imgs_1.html > The Rogue Agent 006! < http://xbox.ign.com/articles/510/510770p1.html > See the dark side of "Golden Eye" He's back, Conker is Live & Reloaded! < http://xbox.ign.com/articles/513/513419p1.html > The potty mouth bastard is back! Brothers in Arms < http://xbox.ign.com/articles/514/514082p1.html > In war, everyone is family... Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf < http://xbox.ign.com/articles/514/514087p1.html > All those times you wish you could be that Lone sniper, well, this is the next best thing. Halo 2 Q&A! < http://xbox.ign.com/articles/512/512807p1.html > 16 players on Live? Sweet... DMC 3 Info! (Pics included) < http://ps2.ign.com/articles/513/513983p1.html > Read it to believe it. Silent Hill 4: The Room < http://ps2.ign.com/articles/513/513572p1.html > You have to start being afraid...Because this time, H.P. Lovecraft himself you love it. Hideo is at it again! MGS3 IS PLAYABLE AT e3! < http://ps2.ign.com/articles/513/513785p1.html > & < http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/536/536086/vids_1.html > Why must this your final game? Neo Contra < http://ps2.ign.com/articles/513/513804p1.html > Purdy... Sony's MASSIVE CAPCOM update < http://ps2.ign.com/articles/513/513890p1.html > See it there? Capcom Fighting Jam! SEE IT! SEEEEEE IT!!!?!??!?!1111one Doom 3 has a release date..FOR SURE THIS TIME! HONEST! < http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/doom-3/513374p1.html > See title.. The Legend of Zelda < http://cube.ign.com/articles/513/513375p1.html > heads up, it's not Wind Waker 2 WWE's Day of Rekoning < http://cube.ign.com/articles/512/512122p1.html > Going back to the old Wresltmania style of gameplay! Resident Evil 4: < http://cube.ign.com/articles/513/513463p1.html > Guess what, I don't care what you say about no zombies! BTW Theres like more inside a castle. Go watch the trailer... Paper Mario 2! < http://cube.ign.com/articles/513/513771p1.html > Yes, he's back, and he can cut you! NEW HL2 TRAILER! WEWT! < http://media.pc.ign.com/media/492/492830/vids_1.html > Summer RElease date states Doug! Gryph, Agozer. This one is just for you guys < http://media.pc.ign.com/media/480/480467/imgs_1.html > Chernobyl Whos a tribes player here? < http://media.pc.ign.com/media/497/497075/imgs_1.html > Hehe, SS:T and T2 ARE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee This is what Generals Should be < http://media.pc.ign.com/media/499/499748/imgs_1.html > Ground Control 2, I was in the beta, fscking owned! PSP! < http://psp.ign.com/articles/513/513479p1.html > Coming out in Summer 2005 in Japan, too bad that the DS is coming out this year. PSP's battery life? < http://psp.ign.com/articles/513/513734p1.html > 10 hours if your playing a game, 2 hours if you watch a movie, FSCK! This game is going to use teh DS's Mic for all next gen DS games < http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/513/513165p1.html > He's still cute! 3rd Party list < http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/513/513202p1.html > Leet! (Update) GTA: San Andreas INFO! < http://ps2.ign.com/articles/514/514183p1.html > Ok, I'm done for today...This thread will be updated, so watch it fly. I might join Gamespot Complete so I'll download vids and re-encode them just for you guys (And it's cheap!) Continuing from the top: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok then. I'm done
  8. K-man needs to feel his Grandia like episode again, like in the SF3 thread.
  9. Like I said on aim, The Typical Love Triangle.
  10. Oh my god, I was just reading that.
  11. Yeah, Star Galdiator and Plasma Sword had weapons =/
  12. Actually, DS's exclusive media carts hold 1 Gigabit of space, which in turn is just as much as it's older brother's media (Gamecube) UDM disks are modeled after mini-disks, so I don't expect upto 1.5 gigs of space.
  13. As for Sega and Sammy, are just businuss partners like Enix and Square. They have seperate dev teams and have no plans to make a game together.
  14. Technically by law (At least in the U.S.A.) Once a game has entered reproduction (As in remanufactured) for any system (including the original system it was on), s concidered an illegal rom. Since KOF2k2 is out of both Xbox and PS2, SVCC being on both as well, the roms are illegal. Even with the new content provided on the PS2/Xbox versions. It is still considered the same game under this U.S. law.
  15. Technically yes, without the SNK part since this game was stated to be just Sammy and Capcom characters. We could see a 3way VS game since Sammy has SNK's IP's now (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
  16. It's called Virtual Boy. I'm glad no ones heard of it. I'm not upto Sony's PSP. I find the DS likeable because it already has thousands of titles to work with on release. Yes, thats right, It's backward compatible with every GB/GBC/GBA game.
  17. I agree with Ash, it's opinionable. I've never had a problem with IE6 because I have a firewall router and running 2 other ones on my computer. SHHHHH NINJA DEATH
  18. Yes I did now about the year old flaw that MS ignored until a virus came out (I KNOW, I WAS HIT by Sasser when I disabled my firewall). I keep my eye out too. I may not be as technologically advanced as you are by using Linux (I'm still learning it. I'm considered a noob at it). I'm just saying on a scale, people want it to just work, hassle free. Excluding what I think most of this board. People don't want to go through the updates, they don't want to download other browsers, they don't want to etc etc. I think IE6 rules, it's more effience than what I've used in the past and right now. I have a collection of browsers ranging from Opera too FireFox. I still find IE at the top because IT JUST WORKS for the 300,000 computer illiterate/non-illiterate people. I'm running the SP2 Beta Build 2082 and my other computer is using RC2, both work great compared to SP1's current builds. I've just never got around to using any of the RCs on my comp since I'm lazy. Of course they break. Theres a reason they address this issues. But sometimes it cannot be ignored. And like I said before about open source, it's both a curse and a blessing to those who are extreme. And i'm out of this, I'm not up for another war. It's like what Microsoft says for XP. It just works. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. They have rights with Capcom to use Capcom characters that were developed in house. Games like SFEX series' exlusive characters cannot be used since it was developed by a different company, and only published by Capcom.
  20. I'm sick of people always trying to compare browsers and OS`s. So what if IE6 tons of intarweb security problems? It friking works. And just you wait until Service Pack 2. Much better then this Service Pack 1 crap everyones using now. I use Linux too, so I'm not totally out of the dark. Linux and it's variants are open security risks on their own because it's blessing is also it's curse. Open Source. Now, I love open source as much as the next guy, but there are somethings even I can't do (like frigging PATCH MY OWN OS with vunrabulities!)
  21. I watched both company's Press Release Conferences and I must say that the DS will stand out. I've never seen so much support for Nintendo in such a long time. (For those of you don't know, DS is as thick as an SP, and as wide as a GBA). For the PSP, I'm really afraid I'll break the screen =/ But Nintendo has actual competition now, and thats great.
  22. I wanted to add Cammy, but shes been in about 10 VS games already :/, Actually just add Delta Red Cammy in there. No more need of the uber cute Shadaloo one. As for Akira...You friking remind me now!?!!!? I added Wesker because you know, WE ACTUALLY KNOW HOW HE FIGHTS (same goes for Chris - Go play C:VX). As for Leon, well, he's badass in RE4 and he takes a Chainsaw to the chest and HAS some melee moves now. For KOF, I have family in Japan that plays it so they give me some info when ever theres a loke test. For KOFMI I just always visit the Japanese version of the site because it's updated more frequently then it's english one. This site has everything up to 2001 (Since that was the end of the NESTS Arc). If your one of those people that hate Gamefaqs, then bah, thats another place I keep getting my info. SKR and S-C.com are other places.
  23. Since Sammy is mostly in development, they stated they want to bring in more characters from other games other then fighting ones. Even on Sammy's side (Theres more to it then just The Rumble Fish and Guilty Gear for Sammy) Shall I start off the Roster wishlist? Capcom; Alex (SF3) Ryu (whats a VS game without him?) Ken (see Ryu) Ibuki (SF3) Felicia (DS) Morrgan (DS) Kyoko (RS) Dante (DMC) Blues (Megaman) Haggar (FF) Strider (self explanatory) Chun-Li (see Ryu) Q-Bee (DS) Lilith (DS) Yang (SF3) Lei-Lei (DS) Donovan (DS) Tessa (Warzard) Bishamon (DS) Dio (Jojo) Leon (RE) Clair (PS) Wesker (RE) Chris (RE) Gouki (SF) Hinata (RS) Zaki (RS) (hehe 2 ninja girls now! ) Jedah (for you fans out there) Batsu (RS) Hayato (PS) Guy (FF) Cody (FF/SFA3) Cammy (<3) Akira (<3) =36 Capcom chararcters! Sammy: Well christ, all the GG characters, for continucy state. Millia Sol Ky May Johnny Dizzy Jam Axl Baiken Anji Zappa Faust Bridget Slayer I-No Testament Eddie/Zato Venom Chipp Potemkin Kliff Robo-Ky Justice Raven ---The Rumble Fish Characters Zen Hikari Typhoon Garnet Orville Boyd Viren Kaya Aran Leopoleon (Boss from GGI) Rion (Galerians) =A good 36 characters I say Leopoleon is the boss for both companies o.o FRIKING 72 CHARACTERS! HOLY SHIAT! (yeah I added stuff )
  24. Well, they balance it with IK's taking 2 Stocks and Basic super moves taking 1. So we should be seeing kick ass versions of normal SF Super moves. Made into Sammy's special touch of effects. Edit: The info on the game is totally a whole another thread. So let's treat this one as Roster Wish Lists.
  25. I've just seen the Nintendo Conference video and I must say. The DS looks stunning. It has the width of the GBA and thickness of the GBASP. Edit: Downloading the 455 meg Sony Conference right now. Fscking big file.
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