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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Information is. IKs are in the game, but they don't Instant Kill the characters. All GG characters will have their IK's but they won't kill, just do mad amounts of damage.
  2. Sage's Press Conference is tomorrow at 9AM PDT! Exepect the news to hit the web as early as 10 AM PDT.
  3. It's really lame on why they skip it. I mean it's important to get the day started as you said Weirdanzeige. If they should just eat a little less at lunch and dinner. Lunch is pretty much expandable since some people skip it anyways.
  4. In response to the carbs thing. Everyone should watch this.
  5. Remote Image Linking is against Angelfire's and Geocities' TOS. You have to rename the extension of the file to get it work. (sample.jpg to sample.txt for example)
  6. I thought mame went closed source after a certain version came out.
  7. With Geocities, just rename the end the of the file to TXT and everything should be fine.
  8. Excellent dude. Maybe I can finally complie my own version of FBA now without that much fear of screwing up the drivers
  9. I don't think they licensed the Anime it self, just to use the characters in the game. But I expect Pioneer or ADV to pick it up when FMA game comes out.
  10. This is great, I've scarred Cominus for 1 to 3 years tops.
  11. The latter applies more because it's going to be said anyways.
  12. You guys must mean this movie. The book is better than that sh!t. They changed so much of it from the book it's not funny.
  13. After seeing Xbox's Press Conference from IGN. I want to get an Xbox, just for Xbox Live. Live it self is worth the Xbox.
  14. That offically just made my day lol. But really, some people from Texas aren't rednecks.
  15. True. But christ sakes just bottle it in and don't say anything. It may be annoying as hell, but I'm just saying you missed out at the time it was being widely spreaded on the internet. Like Goatse (WHICH I SUGGEST NO ONE LOOKS FOR IT. IT IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH NOR WILL I LINK IT TO YOU. IF YOU SEE IT, DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU. SAME APPLIES TO TUBGIRL)
  16. I think thats Holloween Resurrection. I didn't like it as much as the past Holloween movies.
  17. Ever since the Cube's price drop, it's been selling like free cookies at a bake sale. But the PS2 still leads the market by a wide percentage.
  18. The DS is as widely supported as the PSP, so I expect good competetion between the two.
  19. No, it really is that old. Now please find me something I didn't know about thats just as old.
  20. The PSP might hit the 200 mark because of it's specs. Nintendo is aiming for a $149 price tag with the DS.
  21. In the end, its not always about hardware, it's about the games they put out on it.
  22. Welcome to 3 years ago guys, glad you caught up.
  23. Opening with this. Ed Zitron is a good friend of mine who works for Computer and Video Games Magazine over in Europe. This is also a shameless plug for a forum he runs with a couple of friends too . You can catch the his review on the Press conference here. It's a good read and it's funny! How he does it is beyond me.Favorite line by him is when they explained the DS's specs, this is what he said about the inital reaction of the crowed. Read it, love it, make it your child or something. Ed owns you!
  24. We tell you because we...well, we missed your sig and avatar.
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