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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Given the chance, I would like to live in Japan. That place is so huge. Or North Korea, for it's great people and Starcraft. In the end, I'll probably just stay in Montreal and act all canadian while I was at it eh.
  2. I agree, Star Wars Kid was much more impactive.
  3. Once I figure out how to _actually_ make characters for mugen, i'll do, since I already have all the sprites ripped.
  4. Umm, why is Kuruko in the shot O.o
  5. The people must be working on them. I'm going to ask primission if I can finish up the translation for the rest of the characters.
  6. I wish my exams would come around May . But I gotta wait till the beginning of June! Then again, I gotta finish my English Paper on H.P. Lovecraft.
  7. Damn right Conan O'brien owns. Too bad Les Quebecois got pissed at a friking joke. Actual canadian comics do it all the time, AND on national television (I fogot the name, but it's on Saturdays at 10PM on CTV). Quebec is friking Hypocritical, but thats a whole n`other thread.
  8. Whats funny is, I know what their saying after the funnieness.
  9. On the weekends, I just don't sleep sometimes. On weekdays, I get up at 4 am , and sleep at 12 AM. My sleep patterns are flocked.
  10. It seems i'm trying to squeez as much as I can with mine :/ Sooner or later I'm going to need a smaller banner!
  11. Althought TTT was very popular, I didn't like it, I just like T3, no tags, no features. 4 was great in the character design department. 5 Will hopefully be a mix of both 3's system and 4's very interesting character design. Edit: I think I'm right http://www.gamedaily.com/general/feature/?id=1
  12. Yes, Tekken 5 is comfirmed for e3. Now to figure out what the hell is Tekken: Offical.
  13. T4 wasn't that bad. TTT, now that was bad.
  14. Yes, but I think the limit was around 350x500 or less, I'm trying to compress everything in mine tho.
  15. I think it's breaking the rules >_> No only if there was a visable LINK to them. I would check.
  16. If it's true, because the only thing we have so far is "Tekken: Offical." Which could be the 5th game in the series.
  17. Warsaw would be Warwizards(<- Right name?) I guess.
  18. SF3: W Impact is just Double Impact and SF3: New Generation on 1 disc but are seperate games.
  19. Like Cominus said. Games like those are better off at the arcade. Rather since, a nice MP envorment like Doom 2 or Halo works just as well, over the internet or on LAN. And since the declining in the arcade numbers, Games like those I think would save the arcade as exlucsives.
  20. At least in Xbox Halo that is...DAMN YOU MICROSOFT!
  21. It was fun, but people just don't want to come over anymore since everyone has teh intarweb. Edit: Furture explination. Although, Some games just CRY CO-OP. While some games are just plain good as solo. I like playing alone with someone watching, taking turns is better at times so you can spot their/your mistake and avoid it when its your turn.
  22. MVC2 (and CVS2) was made on the Naomi board after Capcom dumped CPS3.
  23. Famitsu is pretty realible to me. And I haven't seen anything on it lately.
  24. It has something to do with the remainding chips in the SNES they want to emulate. Since Some SNES games had a FX Render chip for exmaple.
  25. Ugh, I don't want another online game from S-E. I'm paying as 20 bucks(canadian) a month as it is for FFXI.
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