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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. No, theres got to be a better reason. It's not always money. Take Jersy Girl for example. When they filmed it, they were aiming for at least PG, and film board reviewed it, it was R. They cut out a bunch of stuff so it can be PG-13. Now with Van Helsing, from looking at the production notes, it looked like it was aimed for being R from the beginning. Other then the studio execs being whores. Why would it be PG-13?
  2. Hmmm, originally they were aiming for an R. They changed their minds it seems. Makes me wander why they changed it.
  3. Asians are leet and you know it! Now wheres my 200 GBA games in 1 cart at?
  4. Don't forget the extreme amount of blood and gore were expecting.
  5. Love Hina at it's best. When it's almost ecchi like.
  6. OMG Pocket Fighter! I love that game so much
  7. More reason to get the system and the game... Wheres my money at?
  8. If we told you, you'd sorta spam
  9. To bump to a few week old thread just for updates
  10. Try using VirtualDub or TMPG to put it back together.
  11. It seems you really need to play Guilty Gear XX#Reload, the arcade version will never see the light of day in North America since Sammy doesn't want to port (they sold the console rights to Majesco for a U.S./ Europe disturibution) They toned down alot of characters severly. Millia is still Top Tier when in the right hands in GGXX#Reload. Those "Shin" stuff (I.E. Boss Mode characters) is computer only, Boss I-no's patterns read like a pancake on a bunny rabbit's head.
  12. He though there would be litterly 6 new characters. Like actual characters beside the fact King, Shingo and Rugal were there, since he knew that already.
  13. Goenitz is a direct rip from SVCC, and he's still cheap as hell, Geese still had his infinity from SVCC, just harder to pull off, and Orochi Iori was directly ripped from SVCC and KOF98. And if you count all the "hidden" characters Shingo, King, Kusanagi, Rugal, Geese, Goenitz, O.Iori, it's like 7 hidden characters in total. The US versions will have everything the japanese one has, but somethings translated in english. On the side note, I HAVE TOO MUCH TIME.
  14. He must be running XP since it only attacks XP/2003 computers. Follow instructions supplied by Symantec Systems here http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcen...ser.b.worm.html once thats done, grab the latest Window update.
  15. And I will lol J = Japan / U = United States of Bush FF 4 J = FF 2 U FF 6 J = FF 3 U Just to sum it up, FF 2 J was never released in english until Origins came out for the PS1. Like I said, TOO MUCH TIME. FF3j was released with the Anthology package in some areas of the world insted of FF6j. But due to extreme buggyness with the first 200,000 or so copies of the game, they had to remanufacture the game, thats when you'd expect they switched it. In short it was released for maybe a few weeks before they remanufactured the game and switched it. Technically, if you got a copy before the recall, you *should* have FF3J translated in english. Ok, I got classes at 11 AM EST, yeah, time to kill.
  16. Dude, if moving for me was the only way to find my Soul Calibur 2 Art Book and SNES system, I'd do it. I might find some other things too. I once found a wallet with 50 bucks in it. Canadian too, I was friking rich.
  17. It's friking Autusukan, not Shoto. Damn you Capcom USA and your butchered up japanese to english translations.
  18. I thought you sayed you knew "jap0nese"? I said I'm starting to learn japaneze! I never said I knew it....... Mine too but what the flock does it mean? You know japaneze don't you, Haku? My japanese isn't that great. I currently understand just the basics of it. That and I haven't learned all the Kana yet.
  19. Character traits and personality we can compare without a doubt, but once fighting style hits. Whole new world.
  20. Sometime in the near future i'm going to post a flock ton of info and your going to be like "WTF?!" And I can say, I have way to much time on my hands.
  21. You know, what's going to rule Thrusday's at 8 now. I have no idea, but it better good. Like Scrubs or something.
  22. Maybe with the children only. KikkoMan effect : http://kikkomaso2.at.infoseek.co.jp/kikkoman_6.swf Oh. my. GOD. IT BURNS MY EYES
  23. Was that "Raptor: Call of the Shadows"? I (vaguely) remember that game Yes, that was it! It was a nice alternative to Doom at the time!! A HA! That game owned on my friend's dos box.
  24. Ok, apparently there is O_o, but it seems it was a limited release though. So finding an ISO let alone the actual CD game is harder then it seems.
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