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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. PS2 hasn't even hit it's graphical limits yet. While there are graphic intensive games, nothing has done enough to utilise the full power of the system.
  2. I can't believe someone actually remembered that topic Well, just to say ahead, my main setup is always like this just in case I have to take a picture (for the workstation thing for example and I like most of the area clean (see my linux setup ). Linux Backup Setup angle 1 Setup angle 2 My desk! Another angle of my desk (You can see my Dreamcast cab!) And just to show off my new 24 Port Hub for cheap! (3 bucks CAD )
  3. That's almost like playing IX without leveling, only it's STILL easy. As I suggested you try it then Without using the Grid system at all, then just the defaults.
  4. FFX was short, but a good test run on the PS2 to show what they could of expand on. Although the Sphear Grid System was made to be creative skill leveling other then filling it up. It opened up possibilties for kickass combos. In short, everyone wanted to be uber powerful but filling up the grid in the end. I suggest you try playing FFX without using the Grid Sphear system. Hard as hell.
  5. Go figure, I have an IQ of about 130 which is considered "Above Avarage." But dude, my grammar sucks, my spelling is butchered, and my memory sucks like a leech on a dead body. My engrish teacher says I'm a waste of talent since I barely use my mind on most of my subjects. When something I have interests in pops up. Boom, useally between 70 and 90 is my grade. And my sleep pattern is messed up. Who do you know that sleeps for 12 hours sometimes every week. I'm so crazeh.
  6. See the videos at IGN. Trailer 2 and 3. I think it was trailer 3 that showed off most of the stage fatalities. Some of them are nice and original, some are, based on the classic ones. I certainly would want to see the return of The Dead Pool.
  7. Yeah, the level based Fats were missed. Did you know if you knock them into the level's fatality part on the first round, you don't have to fight them anymore. Sometime that will be greatly accepted to me since I can end it early when I'm pissed
  8. I have a few that I can upload after making them divx or something. IGN has them too. The game looks much nicer and bring back classic characters along with a few new faces is good. KABAL IS BACK.
  9. I love MacOSX Jaguar. Gotta love bastardized versions of *nix. Fresh out of the box and NO VIRUSES ATTACK YOU.
  10. I'm good with banners, as long as they don't follow me while I scroll. As long as they aren't annoying or move, it's cool, popups are well, the spawn of satan.
  11. Apart from the fact they used rappers, it was a good technical game overall.
  12. Yeah I hate windows too. I mean, I come inside to get AWAY from light. And then someone has to go cut a hole in the wall and let it in again! Really annoying... Thats why I have curtains, really really strong dark curtains.
  13. Their showing off the game at e3 this year so expect some shots or possibly even video of the game.
  14. This project is a between Noise Factory, SNK Playmore and Sammy. They took out the NEST Saga characters execpt Kula and replaced them with Shingo and Syshu.
  15. Mai. Needs. Less. Clothing. *faints* If the bounce is there for one or both versions, i'll be happy
  16. Clicking on their Portraits will lead you do their (japanese) bios. KOF:MI First W00t! <- HAWT K` looks awesome in 3D, Maxima looks scary and Mai can use a little more if you know what I mean. Theres also this showing off rendered versions of Mai Shiranui, Seth, Maxima and K' King of Fighters: NeoWave KOF:Neowave art = Freaky. If you've seen the art for Young Geese he looks like Andy O_o Ok, now go crazy and say "wtf?" Theres these also; http://www.planetdreamcast.com/orochinagi/...dia/KOFNW-1.jpg http://www.planetdreamcast.com/orochinagi/...dia/KOFNW-2.jpg http://www.planetdreamcast.com/orochinagi/...dia/KOFNW-3.jpg http://www.planetdreamcast.com/orochinagi/...dia/KOFNW-4.jpg http://www.planetdreamcast.com/orochinagi/...dia/KOFNW-5.jpg http://www.planetdreamcast.com/orochinagi/...dia/KOFNW-6.jpg :Added more stuff from KOFCyberFan which in turn came from SNK-Capcom.Com
  17. FF7 reintroduced people into Final Fantasy and a graphical update. FF9 was going back to it's original roots. Tacitcs was ogre battle in Final Fantasy FF10 both a graphical update and to show off the PS2's power with story line. FFX-2 broke the grounds with the developers saying that there is no Final Fantasy Bible to make Final Fantasy games to begin with as the frist "offical" sequal to a Final Fantasy game. FF11 was experiminting online. FF12 Trying something new by using FFX-2's Battle engine and FFTA's races. For years people wanted from like Final Fantasy Online, and we got it. And it's damn good compared to EQ. I did an indept first look into Final Fantasy 12 when their was barely any information on the game sometime last year by just using videos and pictures. From 7 to 8, it was the original FF7 Team and a bunch of new faces from Square's other RPG teams. 9 was a mix of the FF5 team and the FF7 team. Tactics was a diffrent team, the same team that made Vagrant Story. 10 and X-2 are the same one and the same teams, both mixed from past FF teams. FF11 was made with the head of the FF7 Team and the head of the Tactics team. 12 is being made by the same team that made Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Advance with some memeber from FFX. So yeah, they mix and match teams to keep a fresh mark on developing these titles.
  18. Haku was a young boy who looked like a girl. Even in the anime, the main character Naruto, even thought he was cuter than the girl who was having a crush on. He later told Naruto he was a boy and he got all distraght about it haha. its pretty funny. so is there a reason to why haku who looks like a girl but is a boy? nope, thats jus the way it is.... Even a missing-nin has to dress up to hide his/her identity.
  19. Radiohead - There There (Live @ Festival de Musique et d'Arts de Coachella 01/05/40)
  20. Just for the sake of being who I am and my classes start at 9 today. I am downloading Radiohead bootlegs *Plays There There*
  21. That $hit is great, i got caught like 10 times and stuff. When I restarted my game, I was like. OMFG I AMZ TEH 1337 HAXX0RZ!
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