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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. It is possible with a ram cart, it's just EXTREMELY hard to preform so.
  2. MMcafe = from the very resourceful forums, even though the main page isn't updated anymore
  3. I don't think the reason for not using Angel/K9999 isn't because SNk doesn't want to use them, its because they can't really. Those characters belong to Eolith which SNK doesn't have the rights to use. Actually thats false. SNK has rights to all the characters used in the N.E.S.T.S. saga(as stated by Tiamat, the guy who wrote the Capcom Canon Guide). Example = Ron in 2k3, May Lee in Kim's SVCC ending, that old guy in 2k1 in 2k3. SNK simply doesn't want to use them, thats why.
  4. He likes to play with his bitrates
  5. I AM NOW HAKU! Now to work on a sig >_>
  6. It was more of a Home release because it was a mixture of types from the 2 VS(Vampire Savior) games
  7. It was released some time after CT in Japan, never made it to American shores.
  8. Like I said before, mess around with the address and you'll find pages. Angel will not be used because SNKplaymore doesn't want to use her. And shes part of the NESTS saga that 98% of KOF fans hated.
  9. Well based on speculation, IKs will take 2 power stock like SDMs but if you do it and your oppodent gets beaten, GG characters will do their IK win pose. It might be 5 buttons like this like a simple GG concept; A______B Punch__Heavy Slash __E C _____D___________Dust Kick___Slash IKs will take 2 bars and Super Moves will take 1 bar. As for everything else, everyone wants it to play like SF3 animations with GG backgrounds/music. I love Sammy if they remixed some Capcom songs. Expect most GGXX characters such as Millia, Ino, Sol, Ky, Chipp, Testement, Kliff, Jonnhy, May, Baikian. Edit: added more stuff
  10. *cough warez it cough* Not be offensive or anything, but the game is buggy as fsck, the controls are horrid. On an overall scale, it has everything it needs to be scary, it's just missing that spark to BE scary.
  11. I've gone completely confused with this topic
  12. Bah! Someone needs to send me the SSV Secret Boss Edition cuz their's isn't working >
  13. So like, can you guys link me to these versions of SVCC that work on Winkawaks 1.46 You got me all curious now. damnit strider and agozer!
  14. When was the last word they were working on it? I want to try these so called crappy Samurai Shodown 64 games and FFWA which I hear has Ryo as Mr.Karate.
  15. What the hell? I failed my Capcomologist test At least Sammy is expanding the idea of having more CHARACTERS then SF ones! I mean who else is there? Dude Zaki vs Chipp would own! Sooner or later theres going to be a thread with what character rosters we wants (its going to happen, I'm going to make sure of it )
  16. What part of Australia you from??? And K'Dash the only freebie I could give you is the pleasure of looking at the hot chicks sunbathing topless around our pool I'd take those freebies anyday. Sadly, I've never been to Australia... Its a great site..especially since their hot You gotta take pics yo!
  17. It's better then having that Plus crap flash.
  18. The only reason they own when their computer is because their AI IS EXTREMELY CHEAP.
  19. Let the quoting begin! Couple of guys from mmcafe. Based on the rumors, I hope most are true (Taking more characters from other series such as the Vs. Darkstalkers Rival School Rumble Fish ^^ would own!) Now...DICUSS!
  20. Were going to need to upgrade our compuers just to to get into the menu ! Props to Epic and Digital Extremes into showing me that nVidia still has a place in the world. Now to await ATi's big world wide shocker.
  21. wow how do u do that?? Do a search, I made a post with characters that are IN the game but don't have links on the english KOFMI site. Info is there and all, but not pictures.
  22. I normally not like bushies, but Haku is an exception
  23. He's not dead, just useless at the moment Japanese KOFMI Site http://www.snkplaymore.jp/official/kof/character/index.html
  24. Theres more characters on the japanese site which I have no idea what the adress is anymore >_>. On that note; K` Iori Whip Maxima Rock Howard are all in the game, you just gotta fiddle around with the html and you'll find their profiles without pictures.
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