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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. I'll be changing the user limit soon, so please do not be alarmed if you get disconnected
  2. There is for some people who do, but I prefer i don't reveal the songs.
  3. Everyone tells me that lol, it rules because its fun to mess with the listeners
  4. Everyone here, please join in and listen to the 1emulation Shoutcast station. This is a server stress test. To check how much the server can handle, please everyone join in and tune in. This is both a plug and a test, so just do it! If there are any problems, please contact on aim, or if you want a request or something. GhosViperX on aim
  5. My mistake, I haven't played MK2 in such a long time. He says Toasty mostly after uppercuts in MK2, but the last 2 arcade versions of MK2, he was harder to get >_< Gotta love Toasty! at random times sometimes. It just rules
  6. Ah, were having a problem with the ID2/ID3 tags. It won't update.
  7. BAH I'll give you 4 16 by 16 boxes, 2 64 by 64 boxes, 9 RUBLE, 10 BIG ROCKS! And 3 BOXES of Jello
  8. Indeed, I saw that on Nova. I hope this "String" theory works out aswell.
  9. yeah...but didn't he say "toasty" or something like that? Dude, I'm like 99,999999999% dsure he said "Whohoo". ....and it wasn't N00b Saibot, Smoke or any one of those secret characters....he looked more like....Bill Gates without the glasses. It's "Toasty!" that guy is actually the sound producer for MK. And your faught when you saw his face on a particular level, you fight Smoke, you fight Jade if you see her in the Living Forest and do a button comboination.
  10. Well, lets somewhat thank the hacker or else his posts would be like 2000 O_o
  11. I used to have hair down to my shoulders, twas freaky.
  12. weeks after me, and you have a fscking ton of posts. Spammer
  13. Correction: Female. *Rimshot* HEY-OH! (Insert more sounders here)
  14. I don't think he was being very serious about that 40 GB ram thing... Nope, I was being sarcastic. And 64bit CPU's are on the harizion.
  15. Yeah, he wants to make in 10 or so years so that the actress that played Green's daughter is in it.
  16. Lloyd Banks, Young Buck, Yayo, 50 ¢... G-UNIT!!! Sorry, Its just I never imagined a staff member of 1emu to be a thug. Anon. Lol only when its time to be one, otherwise I'm a quiet nice shy guy Real gangtas don't flex nuts cause real gangtas know that they got em. You kno they packin heat yo
  17. Im going for it! 1 pack of chocolate pudding, a used copy of fatal frame for the xbox and half of a butter finger. Thats my final offer. Ok ok, 4.00 RUSSIAN RUBLE, 5 BIG ROCKS, 6 packets of jello of any flavor, a used air bag and a small 16 by 16 box
  18. We can only dream. But yes, they are almost exactly like a Dreamcast. Hey, in 10 years, we'll be playing it on your super fast 35GHz comps with 40GB of RAM
  19. I hear the card is rather sloppy and risk into damaging into the PS2 cdtray.
  20. Or you know, still highly popular in the arcades.
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