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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. La Blue Girl owns in its original Japanese form, its butchered in its dubbedness.
  2. I imagined you differently. As you know, Filipinos have a darker skin tone then most asians. And thats what happens when your camera is free. It sucks.
  3. Fine >_> Look here 3 of my webcams on 2 boxes. Note, very old. My cameras don't work anymore, so I need a new one, or 2 ;D
  4. And this is so true that it hurts. I like to kick em when their high up, so they come crashing down
  5. If I remember correctly. No one has gotten a fully work PS2 emulator for all games. And FFX is barely runable on one of them.
  6. It would help to those who wish to get their hands in anime. Theres also www.torrentreactor.com also, large collection
  7. suprnova for everything else Animesuki for anime
  8. That maybe your theory, while mine is canon.
  9. Hear I go again; K9999 is a clone of K` Kusanagi was made just as NESTS fell. Thats why he is not in any games with storyline(Execpt 2k2, which has no storyline and 2k3, which is a MIRROR IMAGE). Technically, he is still in statis by storyline. Kusanagi in 2k3 is made out of magic and a mirror, Kusanagi in 2k2 is a clone.
  10. They're the ones that sub Ghost In The Shell: Complex? Or the movie? Cuz I have the raw of the movie and need people to help me translate >_> Furi Kuri is one of the greatest animes I've ever seen. Its so unexpected and funny, and Haruko is all cool too. Hellsing Thats good shizzle right there, I got the DVD box set for 98 dollars canadian. Thats an OAV. Original Animated Videos, which are useally a 30 minutes to an hour.
  11. Naruto is losing it because, if you've read the Manga, there should be no problem the show is going slow.
  12. Sierra published HL, Valve developed the game.
  13. Who are you there. I hang around the Naruto fourm, but I don't have an account.
  14. How the hell is Inyuasha mainstream?!?! WTF?!
  15. Its very easy to it your self. Save you a few bucks doing so.
  16. Ok; Krizalid is a clone of K` Whip is K` sister Diana, Angel, Foxy are human Candy is a Robot Kusanagi was a clone the final clone after K9999. In 2k2 he is clone of Kyo, dispite no story line at all in the game. In 2k3 he is an image of classic Kyo.
  18. The only 2 that were created were K9999 and Kula, K` was kidnapped when he was younger and Whip was crying when he was (the flash back in 00). He was injected with Kyo's DNA, thats why he has the "Fire" thing. Kusanagi from 2k2 is known as the Perfect Kyo Clone. Dispite his form in 2k3 (which is a mirror image). Kusanagi from 2k2 is the perfect N.E.S.T.S clone.
  19. Another K` striker is him BEFORE he was owned by N.E.S.T.S.
  20. Actually, its been said that we dream a diffrent dream every hour while we sleep, the one you'll remember is the most recent (as in the last on before you woke up) dream.
  21. That part I would somewhat believe. Even though I don't believe in religion and "god." Something was mentioned in my religion class a few years ago when were discussing what would God be like if he was "roaming." Ok, now save me the flames and extinguish it. You cannot stop someone elses opinion unless your like, the RIAA.
  22. YES KOOL AID MAN. Man, that joke never gets old. OH YEAH!
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