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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. As far as I'm concerned, what were not suppose to find out, were not to suppose to find out. But, were only human...Yeah, were screwed.
  2. As much as I hate the game, I can own it up with Millia and Chipp. I should tape a match between my friend and I. We are both Chipp and can predict almost all the time what are we going to do.
  3. I already have the A. OK from GameCop to use his server. Only thing needed now is patience... Anon. Do you need full server wide access? Tell me exactly what you need. Also..I don't think we can host illegal music files on the server. So that might be a bad idea and it will eat a ton of bandwith. If you can find something that works with only php and mysql, I can work something up. But full dedicated server access, that's another thing. The music is streamed from our hard drives and is being relayed from a server. All your doing is giving us a relay to play the music. (You download something called a.pls file, this file will let you connect to the relay were the music is being played from. Also a pls file is what Winamp saves your Lists.) Going here <www.shoutcast.com> would be good for starters. The Shoutcast Online Doc would help also. Also something, as far as other file types are concerned, such as.mp4 family(MP4 is the next generation mp3), SHN, flac, MKAUD, (The Lossless file family), AAC might not stream proberly because they(the listeners) are missing the proper codec. Leave all the legal trouble to the hosts(Me, Shiba, Anti) because its our music, not the server But its all cool, cuz I live in Canada. As far as illegal is concerned, your just a relay point and control nothing but the actual stream.
  4. I can give it too you right here; Muzki (SS2 boss) is playble Zankuro (SS3/4 boss) is playable Amasuka (SS 1 boss) is playable. Ga-oh (SSV boss) is playable Everyone has Death Moves again^^ Major character tweaks Sankuro, Poppy, Yumeji are hidden characters. Art for each character can be seen here. So far, its badass like the original's art. There, I suggest next time reading the previous posts.
  5. Indeed, faultless defense pushes the opposing chracter back a bit. But your oppodent could take those wake ups to his advantage by comboing you into oblivion, then again, if all he does is sweep you at the wake up, something is terribly wrong with your plan. They have Emergency escape for a reason. In doing so, it leaves them open to infinity/kick their butt/give you time.
  6. It depends on the games. The system is self is able too, you just need the games to enable it.
  7. I wouldn't go that far bro. I dont prefer 3d to 2d. What keeps a 2 game pack from selling like kof2k1, 2k2, etc.........is CONTENT!!! We all know that the arcade games are what.........100+mbs uncompressed? If they do not include Soundtracks, Videos, Interviews, New Stages, Characters, Colors, PlayModes, Remix Audio, etc, etc, etc, etc,.........it will not be an attractive (or smart) purchase. Now if they created a Kof Anthology or PERFECT pack (2 dvds) 94'-2002 im sure it would be worth it. If your just gonna drop a few "roms" on a gamedisc, it better have a lot of content. I agree with above post about ONLINE capabilities. If you want to say something about gamers expectations, i think the constant want/need from gamers is ONLINE PLAY with fighting games (2d,3d, 1d, who cares D, just make it to where i can pwn the world!) Well, depending on your age and such. I would say my generation was the SNES/Genesis time (1991-1998). Which is the greatest generation ever in terms of games. Everything these days are too simple or too fscking strange and easy they don't give that "feel" anymore. With the execption of RPGs. Were North America. I would still buy these games because I don't want to play them on my monitor or had a 20 foot S-video cable to hook it up to my TV. KOF2k0 had its AST, which was medicore and KOF2k1 had (god awful) 3D backgrounds. The replayablity on KOF2k was intros to past kofs, boss, more strikers. There wasn't that much 2k1 apart from 3 strikers. And this generation is 3D is Xbox/PS2. They should stop copying a fighting game "system" thats 2D and make it 3D unless stated otherwise like Rumble Fish. Which handles like a 2D game.
  8. KOF2k3's PS2 version hasn't hit Japanese shelves yet, thats why. They must add more "bonus" because it will have more chance to appel to americans. KOF2k/2k1 Package didn't sell as much as they speculated, it was mostly because the controls were crap and it was 2D. Gamers these days (as in the Xbox generation) want 3d games.
  9. YES! The SCEA has reconsidered and its true! KOF2k2 is State bound! I knew it, I simply knew something was strange when I saw back on EBgame.com pre-order list. Not only that, It will be bundled with KOF2k3! Price tag so far - 39.99 USD Oh, but theres more! MS4 (Bleh, better then not getting anything) and MS5 on one disc! It's too good to be true :tears of joy:
  10. Dude, seriously....listen to more VGM...I mean MP3s recorded from CDs. Not some MIDI stuff. Chipmusic is also a very good option, and takes less space. I used to have 700 megs of chip music. Sadly i lost it long ago.
  11. I need a DVD Writer on my computer. I need to archive this stuff.
  12. Thanks man....I just don't feel too sexy and ready for serious conversation when I'm coughing up parts of my lungs every 30 seconds. Coughing up lungs...that is uber sexy. Really? I wonder if I could pick up chicks with this stunt.... Say you got Tuburcolosis
  13. Look at my sig, and click The Music List. Be vary suprised.
  14. Given time, you could of made a great site using paint. My sister made one using just paint alone for a majority of the project. Here it is if any of you are wondering.
  15. Actually, this would be a good time to tell you guys. #TsN, The Team Sportscasting Network <www.tsncentral.com> is having TsN|Stile vs Wizard (me) on this friday night at 10 pm est in 1v1 UT2k4 action. I'm going to be on as a guest ^^ And I might lose horribly or get owned slightly.
  16. Watch UFC if you don't like the fakeness of the WWE. I'd rather watch matches that are over the top and not too realistic than 2 minutes of "real" fighting. ECW was fake, but it was fscking great wrestling compared to WWE. AT LEAST THE BLOOD, SWEAT and FIRE was real.
  17. heh, maybe i can get on running in a 15 minutes, but be prepared, i have to put it too 49kbps quality.
  19. We should all play An-Hell and button mash. Then we see who truely isn't that skillful
  20. Meh, I'm 16, a canadian [subliminal]HOCKEY IS MY RELIGION[/subliminal] and currently working on my DEP and various other degees.
  21. Thats not me o_o. My spanish is butchered compared to that. This and this are my sites. I'm reworking the 2nd link to be my site, the other one is my old site.
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